英语二年级下册UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT Lesson 14 练习卷1

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英语二年级下册UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT Lesson 14 练习卷1_第1页
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英语二年级下册UNIT FOUR WHERE IS MY SHIRT Lesson 14 练习卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How much _ the orange juice? ( ) Oh, _ 8 yuan.Ais; it isBare; they areCare; it isDis; this is2 . What are those?ATheyre flowers.BIts a bean3 . They are. ( )AteachersBteacherCteachersDteacheres4 . 一does it take you to have lunch at noon everyday? ( )一About twenty minutesAHow muchBHow longCWhere5 . I _ wearing a pink sweater. ( )AamBis二、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断正误Mr Smith has a farm. His farm is very big. On his farm, he has sixteen cows, twelve horses fifteen pigs and thirteen ducks. There are nine hens and eleven chicks, too. Look, the cows are eating grass. The grass is green. They are fresh(新鲜的). But the horses dont like grass. They like eating hay. The hay is yellow. They are dry, too. What are the pigs doing? They are sleeping in the hey. They are big and fat. They go Oink, Oink. They look lovely. I like pink pigs very much. But I dont like black pig.6 . Miss Smith has a big farm. (_)7 . There are fifteen ducks on the farm. (_)8 . He has eleven chicks. (_)9 . The cows like eating hay. (_)10 . Oink. Oink.I hear some pigs. (_)三、句型转换11 . Can he run very fast?(作肯定回答)Yes,_第 2 页 共 2 页


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