英语一年级下册UNIT FIVE WHO'S HE Lesson 17 练习卷

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英语一年级下册UNIT FIVE WHO'S HE Lesson 17 练习卷_第1页
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英语一年级下册UNIT FIVE WHO'S HE Lesson 17 练习卷_第3页
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英语一年级下册UNIT FIVE WHOS HE Lesson 17 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、英译汉1 . Its between the park and the library. ( )A它在公园和电影院的中间。B它在公园和图书馆的中间。二、英汉混合2 . 英汉互译1. Her parents loved her very much._2. She often got angry._3. She became a great writer._4. 她生了一场病并且变得又聋又哑。_5.她把食物从桌子上扔下去。_三、填内容补全对话3 . 填入所缺单词,完成下列对话Mrs Wang: Hello, nice to _ you here, Im your new neighbour. Im Mrs Wang. I live _ my husband and my daughter.Miss Green: How do you do? Mrs Wang. Im Miss Green. Please call _ Mary.Mrs Wang: OK. I live _ Flat 6ASo you are in Flat 6A?Miss Green: Yes, I live in Flat 6A with my mother.Mrs Wang: I work in a shop. I am a shop _. How about you?Miss Green: Well, I make sick people _.Mrs Wang: Are you a doctor?Miss Green: Yes, I am a doctor. I like to help the _ people.MrS Wang: My husband is a doctor, too. Maybe you are classmates in the college(大学).Miss Green: Really? How old is he?Mrs Wang: He is 34, two years older than me.Miss Green: No, I am only 28 years old. We are not classmates.Mrs Wang: Whats your telephone _, Mary?Miss Green: My number is 65479942. And can you _ me your telephone number?Mrs Wang: Yes, my telephone number is 64578912.Miss Green: Thank you. I am _ to work, bye.Mrs Wang: Bye.四、匹配题看图,读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图片,将其标号填在括号里。ABCDEFG H.4 . Hello! Im Uncle Booky. (_)5 . This is a dog. (_)6 . That is a giraffe. (_)7 . This is a lovely flower. (_)8 . This is an insect. (_)9 . Oh! This is an egg. (_)10 . That is a goat. (_)11 . Its my hand. (_)第 3 页 共 3 页


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