英语一年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red练习卷

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英语一年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red练习卷_第1页
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英语一年级上册 Module 4 Unit 1 Its red练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Where is your brother going this holiday? ( )AHe is seven years old.BHe is going to Nanjing.CHe is walking to the hill.2 . A _, Peter? ( )Yes, please. Im hungry.AcakeBCokeClook3 . 读一读,选出不同类的一项(_)1.A. coat B. sweater C. clothes(_)2.A. these B. that C. those(_)3.A. LondonB. New York C. China(_)4.A. rain B. sunny C. cloudy(_)5.A. go hone B. eat breakfast C. teachers office4 . - Good morning, Kami. ( )- _.AMorning, Panpan.BGood afternoon.5 . Im a white and black panda.A我是一只黑色的猫。B我是一只黑白相间的熊猫。6 . Tom picks some apples and _.( )Aeat itBeats themCeat them二、情景交际7 . 你想问李珊的兔子是什么颜色的,你会说: ( )AHowmanyrabbits?BWhatcolorisyourrabbit?8 . 你同学在图书馆吃东西,你应该对他说: ( )ADont run.BDont eat.9 . 当王兵跟你打招呼说Hello, Yang Ling,你应回应:( )AHi, Wang BingBHello, Im Yang Ling.10 . 老师问玲玲大海是什么颜色,她应该说:AIts blue.BIts yellow.CIts red.11 . 当你想告诉他人“这只猫头鹰住在树上”时,你会说; ( )AThe owl is lives on a tree.BThe owl is lives in a tree.12 . 我们的黑板是什么颜色的,我们应该怎么表达:AThe blackboard is red.BThe blackboard is black.CThe blackboard is yellow.三、单词拼写13 . 对照中文,在方框中圈出单词:什么hwat14 . 对照中文,在方框中圈出单词:蓝色ucelb15 . 对照中文,在方框中圈出单词:黄色oellwry16 . 对照中文,在方框中圈出单词:橙色goaern17 . 对照中文,在方框中圈出单词:紫色upprel四、看图题18 . 看图写句子,看看上个星期天Lucy的家人都做了什么?Last Sunday1. Father _.2. Mum _.3. My grandma _.4. My brother _.19 . 观察图片进行描述。例如:Sarah is younger than Miss White.Sarah is shorter than Miss White._20 . 看图,写句子:_21 . 看图回答问题:-How many lollipops?-_根据图片内容回答问题,请写出完整的答句,并注意书写规范和句末标点符号。22 . Whats the mans hobby?_23 . Where did you go yesterday?_24 . Whats the boy doing?_25 . How does your mother go to work every day?_26 . When did you have breakfast yesterday?_27 . 根据图片,回答问题:-Did he go by plane?-_五、连线题28 . 连线题。1. It will be sunny in Beijing.A2. It often snows in winter here.B3. Its cloudy today.C4. There will be a strong windD第 7 页 共 7 页


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