石家庄市2019-2020学年六年级上册英语Module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing课时练习(I)卷

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石家庄市2019-2020学年六年级上册英语Module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing课时练习(I)卷_第1页
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石家庄市2019-2020学年六年级上册英语Module 2 Unit 1 There’s Chinese dancing课时练习(I)卷_第3页
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石家庄市2019-2020学年六年级上册英语Module 2 Unit 1 Theres Chinese dancing课时练习(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im sending _ email to my friend now. ( )AaBanCsome二、情景交际2 . How are you? 的回答是:( )AIm fine, thank you.BGoodbye.3 . 你想知道对方有没有母鸡,你应问:( )ADo you have hens?BAre they hens?4 . 你想告诉他人上个星期天公园里有许多人,你可以说:_ ( )AThere are lots of people in the park last Sunday.BThere were lots of people in the park last Sunday.CThere were a lot of people in the park last Saturday.5 . 情景交际。( ) 1.当你想问朋友想不想要一些苹果时,应该问:_A. Do you like some apples?B. I want some apples.C. Do you want some apples?( ) 2. 你要告诉朋友你能够跳得高,应该说:_A. I can jump far.B. I can jump high.C. Can you jump high?( ) 3.当你想问朋友能够跑得快吗,应该说:_A. I can run fast.B. Can you run fast?C. Can you ride fast?( ) 4. 你想问Sam现在Daming在做什么,你应说:_A. What is Sam doing?B. What is Daming doing?C. What are you doing?( ) 5. 你想知道物品的价格时,你应问_A. How much is it?B. How old are you?C. How many books?三、填空题6 . He is _( makeing , making , makes ) noodles.四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。Welcome to my new classroom. There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. There are lots of new desks and chairs in it. There are two fans and four windows. Look! There is a new computer on the teachers desk. I like my new classroom very much. Do you like it?7 . Whats in the front of the classroom?_8 . How many fans are there in the classroom?_9 . Is there a new computer?_10 . Where is the computer?_11 . Are there lots of new desks in the classroom?_五、改错12 . 画出句子错误的地方,并改正Im send an email to my mother._第 3 页 共 3 页


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