福州市2019年英语三年级下册Unit 2 In the library单元测试卷A(I)卷

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福州市2019年英语三年级下册Unit 2 In the library单元测试卷A(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出下列每组单词中与其他三个不同类的单词(_)1. A. oclock B. trousers C. shorts(_)2. A. nice B. five C. lovelyAbeautiful(_)3. A. make B. take C. baby(_)4. A. sleeping B. ring C. dancing2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AdrawingBdancingCsing3 . Find the different words.(选出不同类的单词)(_)1. A. shop? B.?museum? C. robot? D. library(_)2. A. send? B. zoo? C. park? D. garden(_)3. A. what? B. when ? C. where? D. wow(_)4. A. buy? B. postcard? C. ask? D. make(_)5. A. great? B. near? C. behind? D. around4 . _ this your book? ( )AAmBIsCAre5 . Lets play a game _.( )Ain the cinemaBat the supermarketCin the park6 . Hello, class.( )-_.AHello, Mike.BHello, Miss Li.CHello, Helen.二、情景交际7 . 你想帮助别人,你说:( )ALet me help you.BLet you help me8 . 当你想让别人脱掉外套时,你可以说:( )APut on your coat.BTake off your coat.9 . 当你想问对方是否想要一个时,你可以说:( )ADo you like one?BWhat about you?CWould you like one?10 . 你的同学在教室里请你吃糖果,你可以说:( )ANo, thank you. Dont eat here.BYes, please.CNo, please.11 . 妈妈叫你把窗户打开,她会对你说:AOpen the window, please.BOpen the door ,please.三、填空题12 . 正确抄写下列单词。四、排序题13 . 把下列句子排成一段通顺的话,把序号写在方框里。1Nice to meet you, Su Hai.2. Good afternoon, Mike.3. Are you Yang Ling?4. Good morning.5. Nice to meet you, too.6. No, Im not. Im Su Hai.1五、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成填空,每空一词.Miss An: Good morning, class.Class: Good morning, Miss An.Miss An: Dont sleep ,Chen Yaxuan.Chen Yaxuan: Yes, Miss An.Miss An: Dont talk ,Gao Jianxiang.Gao Jianxiang: Im sorry,Miss An. This schoolbagis for Yang Ling.Yang Ling: Thank you.14 . Miss An is in the_.15 . Dont _ ,Chen Yaxuan.16 . Gao Jianxiang, dont _.17 . This _ is for Yang Ling.六、判断题18 . 判断画线部分的发音是否相同。(_)1.friendwet(_)2. askskirtbrisk(_)3. flowercloud(_)4. askdeskskate(_)5. sunny run第 4 页 共 4 页

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