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石家庄市2019-2020年度三年级上册期末测试英语试卷3(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _has glasses and_ hair is short.( )AHe; hisBHis; hisCHis; he2 . 选出单词中不同类的一项: ( )AcomputerBTVCphoneDbooks3 . can I get to the shopping center?( )AWhereBWhatCHowDWhen4 . _John_wordpuzzles?ADo,doBDoes,doCDoes,does5 . Whats _yourbag? ( )AinBonCare6 . -Whats in your bag? ( )- Three apples _ a bottle.AinBandConDof7 . 选择正确的答语。John, take out your book.AThank you.BAll right.8 . _ Liu Tao _ Shanghai? ( )ADoes; fromBIs; come fromCIs; fromDAre; from9 . -Which is not exercise? ( )-_ ARiding a bike.Beat some food.CRunning.DPlaying ping-pong.10 . Thats me. I am _ pupil. ( )AaBanCthe二、情景交际11 . 当埃米对你说再见时,你应该这样回答:_( )ABye-bye, Amy.BHi, Amy.12 . ( )当你询问照片上的女人是谁时,你应该说:AWhos that girl?BWhos that man?CWhos that woman?13 . 当你想问别人上周都做了些什么的时候,你会说:“ _ ” ( )AWhat are you doing last week?BWhat do you do last week?CWhat did you do last week?14 . 你想知道张朋几岁了?应该怎样问?( )AHow are you?BHow old are you?CHow many plates?15 . 晚上见面打招呼可以说:( )AGood eveningBGood morning.16 . 如果你想表达“我六点钟回家”,你可以说:( )AI go to school at 6.BI go home at 6.17 . 当你向别人介绍你的卧室时,应该说:( )AThis is my bedroom.BWheres my bedroom?18 . 根据情景,选择最佳答案填空。1. 当你想知道“这本书是谁的”时,你会问:_A. What is this?B. Whose book is this?2. 你想告诉他人“这是Ken的雨伞”时,你应该说:_A. It is Kens umbrella.B. Ken likes the umbrella.3. 你想让同学们欣赏你的新电脑时,你会说:_A. Look at my new computer.B. I want a new computer.4. 当你看到一个很乱的地方时,你会感叹:_A. How beautiful! B. What a mess!5. 你想安慰他人时,你会说:_A. Dont touch! B. Dont worry!19 . 你想问叔叔有多少只母鸡,可以问:_( )AHow many hens do you have?BAre these hens?20 . 上午你跟别人告别时,说:_( )AGoodbye.BHello!CGood morning.三、单词拼写根据图意和首字母提示,写出所缺的单词。1.2. 3. 4.5. 21 . Can I have three b_ of milk, please?22 . In the West, people use k_ and f_ for their meals.23 . They like sandwiches because they taste d_ .24 . For the m_c_ we can have vegetables and beef.25 . John takes e_ in the gym. You can find him there.四、匹配题26 . 你知道它们的答语吗?(_) 1. Whats the weather like in Kunming?(_) 2. Let me close the window.(_) 3. Can I put on my new jacket?AOK.BNo, you cant.CIts warm.五、字母题根据图片提示,写出字母的大小写形式。27 . 28 . 29 . 30 . 31 . 六、连词成句32 . 连词成句。1、does,your,do,father,what,?_2.is,my,a,sister,teacher._3.works,at,my,mother,home,._4.she,an,is,teacher,English?_5.are, they,doctors._第 6 页 共 6 页

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