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石家庄市2019-2020年度五年级下册期末检测英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . She had fish and chips_.AtomorrowBnext dayCyesterday2 . Daming, I _ a book for you last week.( )AbuyingBboughtCbuys3 . _ she have fun yesterday? ( )ADoseBDidCIs4 . _ is the coat? ( )Fifty yuan.AHow manyBHow muchCHow old5 . ( )I hope you will _ well soon.AgettingBgetsCget6 . I can see three monkeys_the tree. I_monkeys. ( )Aon; likeBin; likeCin; have7 . There isnt _ coffee in the cup. ( )AsomeBmuchCmany8 . Its fun to go _ a walk. ( )AforBatCin9 . My father can _ very well. ( )AdrawBdrawsCdrawing10 . -What does you sister do at weekends? ( )-She usually chats _her friends on the Internet.AwithBinCfor二、单词拼写11 . 根据汉语意思写出单词。护士 runes _.12 . to(同音词)_13 . 写单词1.桃子_ 2.苹果_ 3.香蕉_4.西红柿_ 5. 梨子_ 6.水果_7.例子_ 8.土豆_14 . 根据汉语意思,填入空缺的字母1.fr_ _ _ d(朋友)2.cl_ v_ _(聪明的)3.p_ p _ l(小学生)4.n_ _ gh_ _(淘气的) 5.f_ t(胖的)6.c _t _(可爱的)7.sh_ _ t(矮的)8._ _ ese(这些)9.c_ _ l(酷的)10.s _ _(羞涩的)15 . 根据首字母提示和短文大意填空There are four people in my f_. We live in a c_-Shanghai. My parents are w_. They go to w_ by m_. I am a s_. My house is not far f_our school. So I ride a b_ to school. My grandfather is a teacher. He t_ Maths in a middle school. He r_to school every m_. I love them.三、排序题16 . 听录音,给下列图片排序。四、阅读回答问题阅读填空On Sunday, Xiaoyang will go to the zoo. He will visit pandas, lions, monkeys, and bears. Daming will fly a kite. Lingling will do her homework. Shanshan will help his mother do housework. Amy will play computer games.17 . What will Xiaoyang do on Sunday?_.18 . What will Daming do on Sunday?_.19 . What will Lingling do on Sunday?_.20 . What will Shanshan do on Sunday?_.21 . What will Amy do on Sunday?_.五、匹配题选出与句意相符的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 22 . What do you want to drink? (_)I want to drink some tea.23 . Is it really a hot dog? (_)Yes, it is.24 . How much is the cake? (_)Its ten dollars.25 . Can I help you? (_)Yes, I want some bread.26 . What do you want to eat? (_)I want two hamburgers.27 . 选出正确的答语。(_)1.Can you put the things in order?AI feel sad. (_)2. Whose book is it?BNo, he doesnt. (_)3.What do you do in the morning?CYes, I can. (_)4.Does he go home early?DAnnas(_)5.How do you feel?EI wash my face.六、书面表达28 . 书面表达同学们,你喜欢什么样的水果呢?试着用五句话写出来,注意大小写和标点符号哦。Fruit_第 5 页 共 5 页

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