海口市2019-2020学年英语四年级上册Module 8单元测试卷(I)卷

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海口市2019-2020学年英语四年级上册Module 8单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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海口市2019-2020学年英语四年级上册Module 8单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im _ my hamburger. I _it for lunch. ( )Alook for, bringBlooking for, bringsClooking for, brought2 . -Where _ you six days ago? ( )-I _ in Taipei.Aare, amBwere, wasCwere, were3 . ( )- Is it Amys bag?- Yes, its _.AherBhisChers4 . -_ did you go? ( )-Park.AWhereBWhenCHow5 . She liked the bus best.A、rideB、ridesC、riding6 . The bookstore is the left.( )AatBinCon7 . Is it 8 o clock now? ( )_ANo, it isnt.BYes, it is.CYes, it isnt.8 . Therearesomebirds_thetree. ( )AunderBonCinDbehind9 . Shehome and cleaned all the rooms.AstayBstay toCstayedDstayed at10 . Amy and Sam like _.A、bananaB、bananasC、cat二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Last Saturday, our class had a trip. We went to the mountain near our city. That day, the weather was great. We started at 7:30. On the way, we talked and sang. Soon, we arrived (到达). Wow! It was really a wonderful mountain. We were happy. Then we went to the top. Then we has a rest (休息). I looked back. Oh, my friend Alice was far from me. She was very tired. I waited for her and asked her to follow me. At about eleven, we ate some food and drank some water. I felt the food was very great!11 . We went to the mountain last Sunday. (_)12 . That day is fine.(_)13 . We started at eight. (_)14 . Alice was in front of me. (_)15 . At 12:00, we ate some food and drank some water.(_)三、连词成句16 . 连词成句1. this, your, book, is (.)_2. teacher, that, my, is (.)_3. you, here, are (.)_4. come, school, I, by, to, taxi (.)_5. trousers, whose, these, are (?) _17 . 把下列的单词连成一句话。1. My Ann names_2. your name whats_3. Mockys name my_连词成句。18 . has, it, million, got, twenty, people(.)_19 . big, how, Beijing, is(?)_20 . the, how, is, river, long(?)_21 . really, big, thats(.)_22 . postcards, are, great, these(.)_四、连线题23 . 读一读,连线。1. Whens Childrens Day in China?AIts cold and snowy.2. Do you like Childrens Day?BI like playing football.3. What do you do on Childrens Day?CYes, I do.4. How is the weather in December?DI go to the zoo.5. What do you like doing?EIt is in June.第 4 页 共 4 页

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