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济南市2020版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷15(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出发音不同的单词:( )AChinaBChristmasCclass2 . 给下列单词选择正确的图片(_)1. bus A.B.C.(_)2. house A.B.C.(_)3. skateA.B.C.(_)4. candyA.B.C.(_)5. biscuit A.B.C.(_)6. swim A.B.C.(_)7. horse A.B.C.(_)8. winter A.B.C.(_)9. arm A.B.C.(_)10. noodles A.B.C.3 . Tree Planting Day is in. ( )AJuneBMarchCSeptember根据汉语,选择单词。4 . 强壮的( )AstrongBstrange5 . 快,快速地( )AfastBpast6 . 明星( )AfarBstar7 . 跑,奔跑( )AcanBrun8 . 恐怕( )AstrongBafraid9 . _is your pen pal? ( )Shes twelve.AHowBHow oldCHow many10 . Do you often take photos? ( )_AYes, I do.BYes, I am.CNo, I do.11 . tiger( )AB读单词,找出不同类的一项。12 . AauntBfamilyCcousin13 . AcakeBbreadCsoup14 . AknifeBchopsticksCbaby15 . AmilkBstudyCbathroom16 . AcookBmotherCnurse17 . 选择不同类的单词( )AcapBredCjacket18 . I like doing kung fu. I _like drawing cartoons. My sister likes drawing cartoons, _. ( )Atoo, alsoBtoo, tooCalso, too19 . My favourite _ is summer. ( )AsportBseasonCfood20 . Walk like _ elephant.AtheBtwoCaDan21 . I _ size 16. ( )Aput onBwearCin22 . He five years old two years ago.( )AisBwasCwere23 . We can see _at Winter Olympics. ( )AswimmingBskatingCboating24 . Its _ Day. ( )AParentsBParentsCParents25 . Thereare _smallislands. ( )AalotBlotofCalotof26 . Do you want _ swimming with your family?( )Ato goBgoingCgoes27 . Im Liu Tao. Are you Yang Ling? ( )_.AYes, I am not.BNo, I am.CYes, youre right.二、阅读选择阅读理解。Last Sunday Mary and Lily went to the park by bus.There were many people and cars on the road.The bus was very slow.At ten they got to the park.They looked at the animals,took some pictures,had lunch and played together.When it was dark,they went home.They had a good time.28 . When did they go to the park? ( )A. On Saturday B. On Monday C. On Sunday29 . How did they go there? ( )A. On foot B. By bus C. By car30 . Was the bus very slow? ( )A. Yes,it was B. Yes,it does C. Yes,it is31 . When did they get to the park? ( )A. At 9:00 B. At 10:00 C. At 11:0032 . Did they have a good time? ( )A. Yes,they do B. Yes,they did C. Yes,they have三、填空题33 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. What _ (do) Amys mother do?2. I want_ (am) a head teacher.3. I am _ (go) to be a policeman.4. The woman is a bus_ (drive).5. There are 30 _ (teach) in my school.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,补全句子。My name is May. I am an American girl. I am in Guangdong with my parents now. My father Mr Green is a designer(设计师) in a shoe factory. He designs the beautiful shoes. He likes drawing pictures. Usually my father goes to work by car. But yesterday he went to work by bus with mother. My mother Mrs Green is an English teacher. She often goes to work by bike. She loves the children and she says they make her feel young.34 . May is an _ girl and she is in China now.35 . Mr Green likes _ pictures and hes a _ .36 . Mr Green and his wife _to work by bus yesterday.37 . Mrs Green often goes to _ by bike and shes a _.38 . Mrs Green thinks her students can _ her feel young.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I am Xiaoyong. I get up at six thirty every morning. Then I wash my face and have breakfast. I go to school at seven oclock. Our school starts at eight oclock. There are many beautiful pictures on our classroom walls. I like English very much. I have fun in English class. I study hard and do my homework every day. Our school finishes at half past four.39 . Xiaoyong gets up at seven oclock every morning. (_)40 . Their school starts at eight oclock. (_)41 . There are many pictures in their classroom. (_)42 . Their school finishes at four oclock. (_)43 . He doesnt do his homework. (_)五、连词成句44 . 连词成句,注意大小写。1. have, soup, I, for, dinner, tomato(.)_2. eat, would, what, you, to, like (?)_3. fathers, favourite, hamburgers, is, my, food (.)_4. today, lunch, what, you, for, do, have (?)_5. carrots, I ,like, dont (.)_6. sweet, are, and, they, healthy (.)_7. Id, some, please, sandwiches, like (.)_8. bananas, not, likes, she, fruit, but (.)_9. some, milk, here, fresh, is (.)_10. some, Id, because, I, thirsty, am, like, water (.)_六、书面表达45 . Write about your favourite sports star. (写一写你最喜欢的体育明星。不少于50字。)Tips: Who is he/she? How tall is he/she? How old is he/she? What is his/her favourite sport?My favourite sports star_第 7 页 共 7 页

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