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济南市2019-2020学年一年级下册月考英语试卷一(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This is _ father. _ is a driver. ( )Ame; HeBmy; HisCmy; He2 . Do you know post hosital. ( )ApBhCcDi3 . Would you like_? ( )Thank you,but I am not thirsty.Aany moon cakesBany orangeCsome breadDsome orange4 . Lets _.( )AswimmingBgo swimCgo swimming5 . A doll is on the bed. ( )AB6 . There _ many flowers.AisBareCam7 . 请将下列单词中不同类的一项选出来。【小题1】Aon footBby ferryCby sledDby plane【小题2】AsnowBcloudCquietDwind【小题3】AusuallyBsometimesCoftenDthen【小题4】AstopBlightCwaitDgo【小题5】Atraffic lightsBred lightCyellow lightDgreen light【小题6】AeastBwestCeatDnorth【小题7】AmuseumBbookstoreCmusicDlibrary【小题8】ALondonBChinaCGermanyDEngland【小题9】Aturn rightBgo homeCturn leftDgo straight【小题10】Agreen lightByellow lightCred lightDChristmas light选出下列选项中不同类的一项。8 . AstrongBfriendlyCclean9 . AtableBhatCshoe10 . AshortBlongCmouse11 . ArabbitBdogChouse12 . AnewBCanadaCChina13 . They are good _?( )AchildrenBchildCchilds选出每组中不同类的一项。14 . AriceBnoodlesCriding15 . AarentBcantCdo not16 . AfiveBhorseCcat17 . AfaceBclimbCrun18 . AsheepBphotoChorse选出不同类的单词。19 . AweatherBsunnyCwindy20 . AjeansBpantsCpurple21 . ASydneyBLondonCmaths22 . AwindowBopenCclose23 . AtheyByourCwe24 . classes ( )Amath and artBtofu and fishCroad and tree25 . -_ is the river? ( )-Its 3,000 kilometres long.AHow tallBHow manyCHow oldDHow long26 . 胖的( )AthinBfat27 . -Whose son is this ?-ours.( )AHisBShesCHes二、情景交际情景选择。A. Here is my homework.B. Its on the first floor.C. Is it next to the library?D. Is this the teachers office?E. Where is the library?28 . 你想询问图书馆在哪里,应该这样问:_29 . 你想表达这是我的作业,应该这样说:_30 . 你想询问这是教师办公室吗,应该这样问:_31 . 你想询问它挨着图书馆吗,应该这样问:_32 . 你想表达它在一楼,应该这样说:_33 . 你想向你的朋友介绍你的妈妈,你说:“_” ( )AThis is my mother.BMy mother is there.34 . 当你认识了新朋友,想知道对方的姓名时,你可以说:( )AWhats this?BWhats your name?CHow are you?35 . 当你想让你的朋友看那只小猪时,你说:“_” ( )ALook at that little pig.BThis is a little pig.36 . 你想问问这件外套的颜色,应该说:AWhat is the coat?BWhat colour is the coat?CIs thisyour coat?三、任务型阅读根据表格,判断句子是(T)否(F)正确。My fatherMy grandmaMy sisterMy mother37 . My father is teacher. (_)38 . My grandma is nurse.(_)39 . My sister is a pupil. (_)40 . My mother is doctor. (_)四、汉译英41 . 我的妈妈是一名护士。( )AMy mother is a nurse.BMy grandma is a doctor.42 . 绿色的风筝在哪里?( )AWheres the green kite?BHow many green kites?43 . 它是在床底下吗?( )AIs it on the bed?BIs it under the bed?44 . 在树上你能看见什么?( )AWhats that in the tree?BWhat can you see in the tree?五、匹配题选择与对话意思相符的图片。A.B. C.D.E.45 . How many crayons do you have? (_)I have sixteen.46 . How many caps do you have? (_)I have nine.47 . How many cars do you have? (_)I have two.48 . How many pencils do you have? (_)I have fourteen.49 . How many bags do you have? (_)I have twelve.50 . Choose and write.AThisBSheCmyDfriend1. This is _ sister.2. _ is my mother.3. _ is her car.4. This is my _.51 . Fill in the blanks.AThisBWhereCTheseDWhatEHow1. _ is your favourite animal? The dog.2. _is her dress.3. _ is the book? Its on the desk.4. _ many pens? Three.5. _ are your legs.六、连线题52 . 连线。1. Are you eating a hamburger?AWere working.2. Do you want noodles?BYes, I have.3. What are you doing?CYes, I am.4. Have you got a headache?DNo, we dont.5. Can I read this book?EYes, you can.第 8 页 共 8 页

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