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济南市2019年四年级下册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I often talk to my friends the Internet. ( )AbyBonCin2 . This is _ friend, Mingming. ( )AAnneBAnnesCAnne is3 . Lele is_ to the cinema. ( )AgoingBwentCgoes4 . She_ her summer holiday. ( )AenjoyBenjoyedCenjoyes5 . We a big fish last summer holiday. ( )AcatchBcaughtCcatchesDwill catch6 . My grandpa _ a doctor then. ( )AisBbeCwas7 . I _ presents for my parents tomorrow. ( )AbuyBam going buyCwill buy8 . _ there a pencil on the desk? ( )No, there _.AAre; isntBIs; isCIs; isnt9 . Can I try it _? ( )AtoBonCfor找出与其他三个不同类的一项10 . AJanuaryBMonthCMarchDSeptember11 . AmathBEnglishCChineseDday12 . AbasketballBvolleyballCsoccerDpiano13 . AMr.BMissCMrs.Duncle14 . ArunBbetterCbiggerDshorter15 . It _ us one hour to get to the zoo. ( )AtakeBtookCtaking16 . I really liked dolls when I was little. I _ a lot of dolls. ( )AcollectBcollectedCwill collect17 . If there is no water, firemenno water to put out fires. ( )AhaveBis hadCis to haveDwill have选出每组中不同类的一项。18 . AtheBthisCthat19 . AcoolBcoldCold20 . ArainyBsnowyCLily21 . AwindBwindowCwindy22 . AwhatBwhereCweatherZoom忘记他的文具的名称了,快来帮他选一选吧。23 . ( )AeraserBpen24 . ( )Apencil boxBruler25 . ( )AbookBruler26 . ( )AcrayonBbag27 . ( )ApencilBeraser28 . He _a new pupil. ( )AisBam29 . Sally likes Music. Betty likes PAThey likesubjects. ( )Bthe sameCbothDdifferent30 . Who is _, Tom or Mike? ( )AheavyBstrongerCshort31 . The English test is in .( )AAugust 4thBMarchCMay 4th二、填空题32 . 在横线上写出句中画线单词的反义词。(1)This pair of shoes is light. _(2) I think hes right. _(3) It is hard to fly a kite. _(4)She will be home before six oclock. _(5)Dont forget to bring some CDs for me. _三、任务型阅读33 . 阅读理解。Good morning, everyone! Heres the world weather. It is rainy in Moscow today, youd better wear a raincoat. Beijing is sunny today, youd better wear a shirt. You must wear a sweater today in London. Because it is snowy in London. Sydney is windy, youd better wear long trousers. New York is cloudy, youd better wear short boots. The report is over. May you be happy every day! Goodbye.根据短文内容填表格。项目内容城市BeijingSydneyNew YorkMoscowLondonweatherclothes四、匹配题34 . 根据栏中的问句,在栏中选出正确答语。A( ) 1. Is she your sister?( ) 2. Whos that boy?( ) 3. Hello, Amy.( ) 4. Nice to meet you.( ) 5. Whos that man?BAHello, John.BNice to meet you, too.CYes, she is.DHes my grandpa.EHes my brother.第 5 页 共 5 页

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