河南省2019年英语六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams单元测试卷(I)卷

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河南省2019年英语六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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河南省2019年英语六年级下册Unit 8 Our dreams单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Jane likes _ people cross the street. ( )AhelpingBhelpsChelp2 . There is in the nature park. ( )AhouseBa bridgeCtwo lakes3 . Well sing English songs_ the party. ( )AatBbyCon4 . 选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. sofaB. tableC. on(_)2. A. onB. vaseC. in(_)3. A. basket B. underC. behind(_)4. A. inB. underC. where(_)5. A. basket B. vaseC. under5 . 看我的玩具娃娃。( )ALook at my doll.BLook at my ball.6 . Hes a. ( ) AdrivesBdrivingCdriver7 . 选出与单词相符的图片。(_) 1. blouse A. B. (_) 2. shortsA. B. (_) 3. skirt A. B(_) 4. hatA. B. (_) 5. dress A. B8 . Lily is a _(安静的)girl. ( )AcuteBstrongCquiet9 . 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。【小题1】AbeefBbreadCjuiceDrice【小题2】AsoonBbreakfastCsupperDlunch【小题3】AsoupBcakeCmilkDwater【小题4】AkitchenBexerciseCbedroomDtoilet【小题5】AscienceBdeepCearlyDkind10 . _, where did he go? ( )ABy the wayBOn the wayCIn a wayDIn the way二、填空题11 . 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Dont _(be) late.2. They teach Tom _ (play) basketball.3. Sometimes he _ (watch) TV in the evening.4. My family usually _ (have) breakfast at seven.5. She _ (exercise) every day.6. When _ your sister _(get) up?7. _ (I) favorite food is cakes.8. Now its eight oclock. We _ (have) an English class.9. She is from _ (Chinese).10. We should _ (go) to bed early.三、单词拼写12 . 根据汉语及首字母提示填写单词。1. Whats your _ (梦想)?2. I want to be a doctor in the _ (将来).3. Many children dont _ (关心)about their teeth.4. He is a _. (钢琴家)5. They are _ .(厨师)6. I want to f_ a spaceship to the Moon.单词13 . 梦想_14 . 将来,未来_15 . 科学家_16 . 艺术家_17 . 牙齿_(复数)_四、汉译英根据中文提示完成句子。18 . 我弟弟想成为一名钢琴家,因为他擅长弹钢琴。My brother _ to _ a _. Because he is good _ the piano.19 . 看,她正在读一本旅游的书。Look, she _ a _ book.20 . 我认为警察应该勇敢强壮。I think a policeman should be _ and _.21 . 我想有一天驾驶宇宙飞船飞到月球上。I want to _ a _ to the _ one day.22 . 听音乐使人放松开心。_ to music _ people relaxed and _.短语23 . 查找有关烹饪的知识_24 . 在厨房里_25 . 做一个土豆沙拉_26 . 一些有趣的城市_27 . 吃好吃的食物_28 . 学习关于烹饪的知识_29 . 写出下列词语的英文意思(1)一扇门_(2)一扇窗户_(3)一块黑板_(4)打开_(5)开门_(6)关上窗户_(7)把书打开_(8)把书合上_30 . 翻译词组(1)对有害_ .(2)留下;丢下.(3)寓言故事_ .(4)关于 .(5)发现_ .31 . 根据中文意思完成下列句子。1. 很久以前,有一只狮子。它住在森林里。Long long ago, there_ a lion。It _ in the forest.2. 有一天,两位老人从房子旁边走过。One day, two old _ by the house.3. 格林太太在给她的孩子们讲故事。Mrs. Green is _ her _ a _.4. 我妈妈病了,我必须要照顾她。My mother is _. I have to _ her.第 6 页 共 6 页

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