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河北省2020年三年级下册期末考试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im from Shandong. _ you? ( )Im from Wuhan.AWhat aboutBWhatsCWhat are2 . Sarah is a _. ( )AboyBteacherCstudent3 . 选出不同类的词:( )AcanBhomeworkCwill4 . 选出不同类的一项: ( )AwasBfinishedCwere5 . How many crayons can you see? ( )_ATwenty.BTwelve.6 . My parents love football games. collect football pictures.( )ATheyBHeCShe7 . Happy Mothers Day. ( ).AHappy Mothers DayBThank youCThe same to you8 . -How manydo you see? ( )-see 12.Akite, IBfish, ICbirds, I9 . What colour do you like? ( )I like _.Apurple kitesBkitesCpurple10 . Do you like fruit? No, I _.AdoesntBdidntCdont11 . A waiter works in a _.Aschool Bstore Coffice building Drestaurant选择相应的图片。12 . window ( )ABC13 . picture ( )ABC14 . bed ( )ABC15 . desk ( )ABC16 . light ( )ABC17 . Robin: Johns favorite food is beef. He likes vegetables but not carrots. Amy would like carrots and green beans. She doesnt like fish but beef is OK. So I will cook _ for them today. ( )Abeef and carrotsBfish and green beansCfish and carrotsDbeef and green beans选出每组单词中不同类的一项。18 . AsmallBsizeCshort19 . AbothBmetreCkilogram20 . AclearerBbrighterCthan21 . AcookedBcountrysideCcleaned22 . AloudBhadCread23 . The number is _. 12 ( )AtwelveBtwentyCtwelfth24 . My bike is _. ( )Im sorry to hear that.AbrokeBgoodCbroken25 . -What class are you in?( )-.AIm in Grade 5BIm in Class 6从下列每组单词中选择不同的一项。26 . AwindowBlightCclassroom27 . AmathsBnotebookCEnglish28 . AcolourBboyCgirl29 . AtableBscienceCshelf30 . AbrotherBsisterCmember31 . Danny and I _ friends. _ like making paper balls. ( )Aam, IBare, WeCis, he32 . Sarahs parents work hard. They are _. ( )AboredBtiredCsad33 . 选出所给单词的正确汉语意思。(_)1.door A.窗户 B.门(_)2.floor A.地板 B.电影(_)3.easy A.容易的 B.困难的(_)4.sleep A.睡觉 B.吉普(_)5.clean A.脏的 B.干净的34 . 选出下列单词的正确汉语意思。(_) 1. flower A. 花朵 B.朋友(_) 2. September A. 九月 B.八月(_) 3. love A. 爱 B. 爱人(_) 4. tenth A. 第十 B.十(_) 5. nine A. 第九 B.九(_) 6. back A. 回来 B.去35 . Where _ Sue go last Tuesday? ( )AdidBdoCdoes36 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AstarBmoonCplay37 . When the boys came out to play, Georgy Porgy _ away. ( )ArunBranCtook38 . I have three new _ .AteacherBteachersCteaches39 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AgameBhideCseek40 . I played football. I was _.( )AangryBsadCtired41 . _ it a pig? ( ) Yes, it _ .AAre; isBIs; isCDo; do42 . Pat: What should I do when I meet a younger person? ( )Jim: _.AYou can wave and say, “Hi, Im Pat.”BYou can hug him.CYou can say, “Excuse me.”43 . I want the bears. ( )AseeBto seeCsees44 . Thismy classroom. ( )AamBisCareD/45 . _. ( )Twelve apples, please.AHow much are they?BHow many do you want?CHow old are you?46 . Nice to meet you. ( ) _.AGood afternoon.BMy name is mouse.CNice to meet you,too.47 . What would _ like to drink? ( )AsheBherChers48 . ( )These _ many chairs.AisBareCbe49 . I likeshoes.( )AthisBtheirCthese选出每组不同类的一项。50 . AFridayBMondayCday51 . AwhatBwatchCwhen52 . AheBeatCshe53 . AmorningBafternoonCgo54 . AtakeBswimCsports55 . , Mike. ( )Good evening.AGood morningBGood afternoonCGood evening56 . - Is there a reading room in your school? -_( )AYes, there is.BYes, it is.CNo, there is.57 . These pumpkins. ( )AareBis58 . Finally, the mouse helped the lion _. ( )Aget outBgot outCgets outDgetting out59 . How do we make use of the stems? ( )We can _ from them.Aget paperBgrow seedsCget water60 . _ is my pencil case? ( )AWheresBWhereCWhatDThis61 . We are goodswimming and running. ( ) AofBin CatDwith62 . _ the babys mother talking?( )AAmBIsCDoes63 . Touch _ foot. ( )AyouByour64 . _ are we going to play football? ( )At 3:30 in the afternoon.AWhatBWhereCWhen65 . Let _ show you our school. ( )AIByouCme66 . It talked about a lot of new . ( )AfilmBfilmsCa film67 . -Have a good time! ( )- _, the same to you.AThank youBThats okayCYoure welcome68 . -Whos your math teacher? ( )-_.AHes funny.BMr. Liu.CHes new.69 . 读一读,选出正确答案(_) 1. How many eyes? Four eyes.A. B.(_) 2. How many apples? Six apples.A. B.(_) 3. A pear, please. Here you are.A. B.(_) 4. May I have a cake, please? Here you are.A. B.(_) 5. May I have two pies, please? OK!A. B.70 . One, two I see books. ( )AfiveBoneRead and find(找出不同类的单词)71 . AactorBfatherCteacherDcleaner72 . AcloudBrainCsunDseed73 . AclassroomBbookstoreCsupermanDshoe store74 . AbusBfootCplaneDsubway75 . AeastBwestCstraightDsouth76 . I wake up _ my dream. ( )AtoBforCfrom二、情景交际77 . 你想嘱咐别人“小心!”,你应该说:_ ( )ABe quiet!BBe careful!78 . 你找不到你的帽子了,你可以这样问:( )AWhere is my map?BWhere is my cap?CWhere is my boat?79 . 你向别人介绍你们的新教室,你应该这样说:_ ( )AThisismynewcomputer.BOurclassroomisnice.CThis isournewclassroom.80 . John向 Miss White介绍 Zhang Peng时,应该说:( )AHi. Im Zhang Peng.BMiss White, this is Zhang Peng.81 . 你想告诉你的朋友昨天你的腿受伤了,你会说:( )AI hurt my leg yesterday.BI fell off the bike yesterday.CI went cycling.82 . 当别人问你是否想要吉他时,如果你想要,你应回答:_( )ANo, I dont.BYes, please.CI want a violin.83 . 你想问别人身体怎么样时,你会说:_ ( )AHow are you?BWere you five?84 . 当别人对你说“You speak very good English!”,你可以说:( )AOf course.BNot at all.CThank you.85 . 用英文询问鞋子价格时,会说_AHow much are the shoes?BHow much is the shoes?86 . 当你想告诉别人这是王先生,他是一名教师时,你应该说:_( )AThat is Ms Wang. He is a teacher.BThat is Mr Wang. She is a teacher.CThis is Mr Wang. He is a teacher.87 . 当你想表达“上午好”时,你应该说: ( )AGood morning!BGood afternoon!CGoodbye!88 . 如果你想告诉他人“我去听音乐会了”,你可以说: _( )AYou listened to the concert.BI went to the concert.89 . 当你向爸爸妈妈介绍你的老师时,你应说:_ ( )AThis is Miss LiBHi, Miss Li.90 . 当你想告诉你的朋友你不会游泳时,可以这样表达:_ ( )AYou cant swim.BShe cant swim.CI cant swim.91 . 你要告诉别人这个书包很大,那个书包很小,你可以说:( )AThis bag is small,but that one is big.BThis bag is big,but that one is small.92 . 你想帮助别人,你对他/她说:ALet me help you.BLet you help me.CLets help each other.93 . 你想说“我很伤心”应该说:( )AI am sad.BI am happy.94 . 你想知道他是谁,应该怎么问:( )AWho is it?BWho is she?CWho is he?95 . 见到鱼小姐,公鸡大声与她打招呼,会说: ( )AHi, Miss Fish!BHi, Mr Fish!CHi, Miss Fox!96 . 当想问谁能做饭时,应该说:AWho can go with me?BWho is cooking the meals?CWho can cook the meals?97 . 当你想知道有多少个女孩时,你可以问:_( )AHow are you?BHow many boys?CHow many girls?98 . 当你想问别人他是谁时,你可以说:( )AWhos he?BWhos she?99 . 你想说“我是从中国来的。”应该这么说:AIm China.BIm from China.CMy name is China.100 . 你想表达今天十度,你应说:( )AIts ten oclock.BIts ten degrees.101 . 当你想介绍新朋友Amy给你的同学认识时,应说: ( )AThis is my new friend, Amy.BShe is Amy.102 . 当你想知道有几支铅笔时,你可以问:_ ( )AHow many pens?BHow many pencils?103 . 打开看看,你说:( )AClose it and see.BOpen it and see.104 . 当别人向你展示漂亮T恤后,你会说:( )AHow nice!BIts yellow.CThank you.105 . 当你想劝告对方不要跑时,你应说:_ ( )AYou not run.BDont run.106 . 当你想问一个动物喜欢吃什么时,你应该说:_ ( )AWhere does it like to live?BWhat does it like to eat?107 . 当你想说“多么漂亮的房子啊!”,你应该怎么说:_( )AWhat a beautiful house!BWhat a beautiful horse.108 . 当你的朋友生病了,你应该说:( )ALets go to school.BYou should see a doctor.CYou should count to ten.109 . 情景交际。1. 你想告诉朋友盒子在包下,你可以说:( )A. The box is under the bag. B. The box is on the bag. C. The box is in the bag. 2. 好朋友在你生日时说“Happy birthday to you! ”,你应该这样说:( )A. Here you are. B. Happy birthday to you,too. C. Thank you. 3. 你想告诉朋友那只猴子在树上,你应该这样说:( )A. The monkey is under the tree. B. The monkey is in the tree. C. Where is the monkey?4. 你想表达“我的书在书桌后面。”时,你可以说:( )A. My book is on the desk.B. My book is under the desk. C. My book is behind the desk. 5. 当你的玩具不见了时,你可以这样问妈妈:( )A. Where is my toy?B. Where is my book?C. Wheres the boy?110 . 杨玲将馅饼错认成蛋糕了,你可以告诉她:_ ( )ANo. Its a pie.BNo. Its a cake.CNo. Its a sweet.111 . 当你想向别人介绍小鸟时,你应该说:_( )AIts a cat.BIts a bird.CIts a panda.112 . 你想表达“他是一个老师”,你应说:_ ( )AHes a teacher.BShes a teacher.113 . 你想说摸摸你的鼻子,你会说:( )ATouch your nose!BTouch your mouth!114 . 别人问你几点了,你看了看钟表说:“_”。( )AIts a clock.BIts three.CIts forty.115 . 根据情景选择恰当的句子。A. Heres the red light. We must stop here.B. How can you cross the road safely?C. You mustnt talk loudly in the classroom.D. We must look for a zebra crossing.E. Please cross the road with me.F. Its too late. You must go to bed now.A. Heres the red light. We must stop here.B. How can you cross the road safely?C. You mustnt talk loudly in the classroom.D. We must look for a zebra crossing.E. Please cross the road with me.F. Its too late. You must go to bed now.(1)看到一位盲人老奶奶想过马路,你会对她说:(_)(2)看到有同学在教室里大声喧哗,你会对他说:(_)(3)已经晚上十点了,你还在看电视,妈妈会说:(_)(4)坐在公交车上,突然停车,你问原因,司机会说:(_)(5)你想到马路对面,妈妈会说:(_)(6)想考考小妹妹对于过马路要注意什么,你可以问: (_)116 . 告诉别人你有一个橙子和一个芒果,你会说:_ ( )AWhat do you have?BYes, I do.CI have an orange and a mango.三、排序题117 . 给下列句子排序,组成正确的对话。( ) No, I dont like winter.( ) Which season do you like best, Lily?( ) Winter. I can play with snow.( ) So I like autumn best. Its always sunny and cool. ( ) What about you? Do you like winter, too? ( ) Its too cold.118 . 给下列句子排序。(_) No, they arent. My shoes are red.(_) Sarah, are these yours?(_) What about this hat?(_) No, it isnt. Its Mikes.(_) Is this Johns hat?119 . 读一读,给下列句子排序.(_)Wow! Cool!(_)Really? Whats she like?(_)Do you know her?(_)Hey, Chen Jie. Ms Lin will be our new science teacher.(_)Yes, shes my sister.(_)Is she strict?(_)Yes, sometimes.(_)Shes funny.120 . 给下列句子排排顺序。( )Here you are.( )Some apple pies, thank you.( )What would you like?( )Something to drink?( )Thank you.( )Id like some tea.( )Look at this snack bar.四、任务型阅读121 . 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。One day, a dog sees a big bone when he walks in the woods. On his way home, he meets an owl. The dog shows off his bone, “I bet youve never seen a bone this big.” The dog sees his reflection in the river. “Look! That dog has a bigger bone. I want that bone too.” The dog barks at his reflection in the river. “Give me your bone!” The dog jumps at his reflection in the river. “Wheres that dog? Wheres his bone? Wheres my bone?” The dog finds nothing in the river. “Next time, be happy with what you have.” The owl says. The dog learns his lesson.( )1.The dog is greedy.( )2.There are two dogs in the story.( )3.The dog can get two bones in the end.( )4.The dog in the river has a bigger bone.( )5.Be happy with what you have.( )6.The dog learns his lesson.阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Lingling: Dad, Im hungry. Can I have an apple?Dad: Sorry, you cant.Lingling: Can I have some biscuits?Dad: Sorry you cant.Lingling: But Dad, Im very hungry.Dad: OK! Come here.Dad & Mum: Happy birthday, Lingling. Now you can have some cake and vegetables.Lingling: Thank you!122 . Lingling is hungry.(_)123 . Lingling wants to have an apple.(_)124 . Dad wants Lingling to have some biscuits.(_)125 . Today is Linglings birthday.(_)126 . Lingling can have some cake and vegetables.(_)阅读理解。My name is Peter. Im an American student. Im twelve. I have a brother. Hes Steven. We are in the same grade, but in different classes. We go to school five days a week. On Saturdays watch TV at home. On Sundays we go to the park, and there we catch insects.My parents are teachers. They teach English. I can speak Chinese, but Steven can speak only a little.I like reading books. Now I am reading a book about China. I like China very much. I hope to visit China.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。127 . Steven comes from America. (_)128 . Steven and Peter are in the same class. (_)129 . They go to school from Monday to Friday. (_)130 . They watch TV on Saturdays. (_)131 . Steven can speak Chinese well. (_)阅读短文,判断句子正 (T) 误 (F)。Mr Green is an English teacher. He is from the UK. He is nice. He has three new students from Australia. They are Sam, Winnie and Tom. They like their new school very much!132 . Winnie is a teacher. (_)133 . Mr Green is from the UK. (_)134 . Sam is from Australia. (_)135 . Tom likes his new school. (_)136 . Mr Green has three new students. (_)第 19 页 共 19 页


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