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沈阳市2020版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(五)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . How _ are you? ( )Im 45 kilograms.AoldBtallCheavy2 . We should learn _ Li Feng. ( )AtoBfromCwith3 . Everyone _the dog is very clever. ( )AsayBsaysCsaid4 . There thirty days in a month.AisBareCbe5 . Pleaseyour pencilsyour pencil boxAputinBputonCputup6 . 选出不同类的一项:( )ASan FranciscoBChinaCEngland7 . How _ pencils are there? ( )AmanyBanyCmuch8 . September 10th is _ in China. ( )ATeachers DayBTeacherss DayCTeachers DayDthe Teachers Day9 . Sometimes I play _ football. Sometimes I play _ piano.( )Athe; theB; C; theDthe; 10 . I _ the news yesterday evening. ( )Alisten toBlistenedChearDheard11 . The horse _ a mule. ( )Alook likeBlook the sameClooks like12 . Oneoftheboys _ sittingnearthedoor.( )AisBareCamDbe13 . -Do you have a book?( )-.ANo,I do.BYes,I do.CYes,I dont.14 . Mum, how _ the weather today? ( )AareBtoCis15 . 选出不同类的一项:( )ApandaBPanpanCdog选出画线部分发音不同的单词。16 . AgirlBdogCfridge17 . AbikeBbigCdoor18 . AlikeBknifeCthank19 . AsureBseeCseven20 . He played basketball for fun _ Saturday and Sunday. ( )AatBonCin二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最佳选项。What are you doing, children? Oh, we are playing games. Look at Tony. He is playing chess with John. What about the twins? They are flying kites. The kites are very nice. One looks like a bird and the other looks like a plane. Robin is playing basketball with me. Li Hua and Nancy are singing an English sang under a big tree.21 . _ are playing chess. ( )ATony and RobinBThe twinsCJohn and Tony22 . Li Hua is singing with _. ( )Athe twinsBNancyCsome girls23 . How many kites do the twins have? ( )AZero.BOm.CTwo.24 . The twins kites are _. ( )Avery niceBlike a planeCthe same25 . Where is Nancy? ( )_AAt home.BIn the zoo.CUnder a big tree.三、填空题26 . 选词填空。airport taikonaut spent flewYang Liwei is a very famous person in China. In 2003, Shenzhou V (1) _ into space and Yang Liwei was inside. He (2) _ about 21 hours in space. He was the first (3) _ in China. When he came back to Beijing, his wife and his son saw him at the (4) _. Everyone was very happy.用所给单词的适当形式填空。27 . Can I _ (have) some bread?28 . There are some _ (sheep) on the farm.29 . The man likes _ (play) football.30 . Im _ (go) to Hong Kong in Summer.31 . Shes _ (write) a letter now.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列图片正(T)误(F)。Welcome to my room. Look at the desk. Its blue. Blue is my favourite colour. There are some books on the desk, and my favourite black pen is on the desk, too. My blue schoolbag is under the desk. Where is my yellow pencil box? Oh, its on the chair. There are two blue pencils and a yellow ruler in the pencil box.32 . (_)33 . (_)34 . (_)35 . (_)36 . (_)37 . (_)五、句型转换38 . 按要求改写下列句子。1. The meeting began at ten oclock yesterday morning. (就画线部分提问)_ the meeting begin?2. We went to the museum last weekend. (就画线部分提问)_ did you _ last weekend?3. John went to school on foot yesterday. (就画线部分提问)_ John _ to school yesterday?4. I saw an interesting film last night. (变为般疑问句)_ you _ an interesting film last night?5. Did he help his wife do housework after work? (作否定回答)_, he _.六、选内容补全对话Read and choose. 读对话,选择正确的单词序号填在横线上。A. At B. free C. English D. What time E. nine oclockLi Shan: Hi, Colin! Are you free this morning?Colin: No, I have 39 . lessons this morning.Li Shan: What time do you have your English lesson?Colin: At 40 . .Li Shan: Are you free this afternoon?Colin: Yes. How about you?Li Shan: Im 41 . this afternoon, too. Shall we go to the zoo?Colin: Thats a good idea. 42 . do we meet together?Li Shan: 43 . 2:00 p.m.Colin: OK. See you later!Li Shan: See you!七、连词成句44 . 连词成句。1. New, Year, Happy (!)_2. is, a, card, you, for, Here (.)_3. Christmas, Merry (!)_第 7 页 共 7 页


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