沈阳市2020版英语六年级下册Module1 单元测试卷(I)卷

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沈阳市2020版英语六年级下册Module1 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -swim? ( )-Yes, I can.ADo youBCan youCAre you2 . Usually I go to work by bike, _ I go by bus. ( )AoftenBsometimesCsometime根据汉语提示选择合适的一项补全单词。3 . m_ne(我的)( )AaBiCt4 . yo_ _s(你的)( )AouBruCur5 . h_s(他的)( )AiBeCu6 . h_ _s(她的)( )AreBerCes7 . o_ _s(我们的)( )AurBarCru8 . ( )AbookBboxChouse9 . People _ the West enjoy sandwiches and hamburgers. But people _ China like noodles and rice. ( )Ain; fromBto; fromCat; in10 . I will use the sidewalk _ time. ( )AbyBnextCon11 . W hen your friend told you his m other was ill,you should say,“_ ”AIt doesnt matter.BDont be afraidCTake her to hospital.DIm sorry to hear that12 . This is a _ . ( )AcatBcake13 . The pupils like basketball. ( )AB14 . ( ) She _ sports.AlikeBhasClikes二、填空题15 . Whats this in English? _(This/It) is an apple.16 . 根据汉语意思填空。1. _is my English teacher.(他)2. _mother is cooking eggs in the kitchen(我的)3.Can you help_?(我)4.What is _name?(你的)5.I want to buy some gifts for _(他们)6. _can dry the dishes.(你)填空题。17 . They usually _ (clean) it in the afternoon.18 . Whats his name? _ (he) name is Tom.19 . I would like some _ (noodle).20 . They are in the _ (live) room.21 . Where are my _ (storybook)?22 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. She _ (learn) English when she was young.2. Tom _ (eat) six hamburgers yesterday afternoon.3. He lived there with his three _ (child).4. She is going to _ (meet) me in New York.5. Because she was a _ (dance).根据提示完成各题。23 . I can_(篮球打得很好).24 . Bobby_(会做这个).25 . _(多少个大球) do you have?26 . Mike can_(游泳和溜冰).27 . Can you_(和我们一起踢足球)?28 . We_(有十五辆玩具汽车).29 . Dont be sad. I can teach you. _30 . These hamburgers are nice. Can you eat them all? _31 . 填空题。1._ are we going to do this summer?2. Lets go _ Sanya. (填上合适的介词)3. Its a wonderful place _ a holiday. (填上合适的介词)4._ do we get there?We get there by plane.5._ will we stay?We will stay in a hotel.6. Well stay in a hotel _ the sea. (填上合适的介词)7._ will we stay in Ssnya?Well stay there for five days.三、任务型阅读周末芳芳跟小伙伴一起来到动物园,阅读下面对话,完成任务。32 . 根据对话内容,在出现的动物的( )里打“”。1.2. 3. 4. 5. ( )( )( )( )( )33 . 阅读对话内容,选择正确的答案。1. The monkey is _. (_)A. smallB. thinC. A B2. The _ is so tall. (_)A. pandaB. giraffeC. bear3. The elephant has _. (_)A. a long nose B. a small bodyC. a short nose四、英汉混合34 . 看一看,写一写1.关于_ 2.成为,变成_3. love _ 4.衣服_5.许多_英汉互译35 . 在这个女孩的前面_36 . playwithmyson_37 . 擅长弹钢琴_38 . sendapicture_39 . 读一些故事书_40 . everyevening_41 . 在周末_42 . haveagoodtime_43 . 在第二层_44 . buyaChristmastree_45 . 翻译词组1. have a good look at_2. 竭尽全力_3. wait for_4.在.中间_五、句型转换46 . This is my house.(改为一般疑问句)_47 . Her mother is a teacher. (就画线部分提问)_is _mother?按要求完成下列各题48 . Willhemakeabirthdaycard?(作否定回答)_49 . TheschooltripisinOctober.(对画线部分提问)_theschooltrip?50 . Springismyfavouriteseason.(写出同义句)I_spring_. 51 . Illcookformymother.(对画线部分提问)_you_foryourmother?52 . Icanmakeacard.(改为否定的)I_makeacard. 句型转换53 . Im playing football. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _?54 . Sam is watching TV. (对划线部分提问)_ is Sam _?55 . Look at this picture. (改为复数句)Look at _.56 . He is flying a kite. (变为否定句)He _ a kite.57 . riding, Amy, bike, a, is (.) (连词组句)_58 . 按要求完成下列各题。1. The trees have new green leaves. 改为同义句_ new green leaves _ the trees.2. Hows the weather today? (改为同义句)_ the weather _ today?3. Springtime begins around March. (对画线部分提问)_ springtime begin?4. They often pick apples in autumn. (对画线部分提问)_ often _ in autumn?5. It often rains in spring. (改为一般疑问句)_ it often _ in spring?六、匹配题59 . 给下列单词选择正确的中文翻译。A主意B热C游泳D唱歌E跳舞F累的(_) 1. dance(_) 2. swim(_) 3. tired(_) 4. idea(_) 5. hot(_) 6. sing七、仿写对话仿照例子写对话。例:7:00 have breakfastWhat time is it?Its 7 oclock. Its time to have breakfast.60 . 7:30 go to school_61 . 11:40 have lunch_62 . 4:00 PE class_第 9 页 共 9 页

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