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保姆辞职报告目录第一篇:家庭保姆的辞职报告第二篇:保姆辞职报告第三篇:保姆市场调查报告第四篇:保姆要求第五篇:“奶妈”月入四五千元 雇保姆vs辞职自带(图)正文第一篇:家庭保姆的辞职报告为大家提供以下这一份简短的家庭保姆的辞职报告范文,欢迎大家前来浏览。尊敬的雇主:您好!我是保姆xx,今天是向你提出辞职申请的,下面是我的辞职报告内容。对于辞职,主要的原因是我老家老伴现在体弱多病无人照顾,需要我去照顾他,因此我恳求辞职。我打算这个月做到月底离开,也请您在这段时间找个替代人员,谢谢。第二篇:保姆辞职报告尊敬的雇主:您好!我是保姆,今天是向你提出辞职申请的,下面是我的辞职报告内容。对于辞职,主要的原因是我老家老伴现在体弱多病无人照顾,需要我去照顾他,因此我恳求辞职。我打算这个月做到月底离开,也请您在这段时间找个替代人员,谢谢。辞职申请人:第三篇:保姆市场调查报告调查报告可以针对我们所要了解的事物进行深入的调查,通过调查报告可以反映出我们所要了解的事物在群众中的影响有多大,方便我们的研究和了解,春节过后,家住*城区迎丰路的江女士因工作忙碌,想找个保姆照顾年幼的儿子,谁知跑了几家家政公司都只是排上了号,如今过去了半个月了,还没有找到合适的保姆。保姆为何难找?2月14日,记者走访了我市部分家政公司和中介公司,了解到保姆如今是供不应求,工资更是一涨再涨,有些已经高达上千元。但就是这样的月薪,想找个保姆也不容易。现状:找个保姆不容易14日上午,记者来到了中心市场附近一家名为万帮的家政公司,当提到找保姆时,工作人员面露难色:“现在愿意带孩子的保姆不太好找,光是已经登记的就有十多个了,你真想找只能先登记,留下联系方式,等有了消息我们再通知你!”随后,记者又询问了几家家政公司和中介公司,得到了同样的答复。仅有三四家公司表示可以帮忙联系保姆,但可供雇主挑选的余地并不大。一家公司甚至明确表示现在找保姆的人比保姆多好几倍,雇主已经没有优先选择权了,得先征求保姆的意见。而一些小规模的中介公司,甚至干脆就说这几年根本没有开办此项业务。在万帮家政公司,一位前来找月嫂的张先生告诉记者,自己和妻子都是外地人,妻子生产后,母亲从贵州老家赶来伺候月子,一个人既要照顾大人孩子,又要洗衣做饭,根本忙不过来,所以想找个月嫂。“我跑了好几家家政公司了,人家说月嫂最难找,都是生孩子前几个月就提前预订!”“都说现在找工作难,可我觉得找个保姆比找工作还难啊!”张先生满脸无奈地说道。记者从城区多家家政公司了解到,目前*市场上保姆的工资一涨再涨,已经从两三年前的四五百元涨到了现在的一千元左右,现在的保姆大部分根据每天工作时间的不同有不同的月工资标准,一般的工作时间是6至8小时,超过10小时则需要雇佣双方单独协商,当然工资也要另外商定。原因:需求增加 保姆减少好chazidian.什么原因导致保姆如此难寻呢?正达家政公司的康经理告诉记者:供需失衡是造成保姆工资上涨的主要因素。“9年前,*市的家政服务刚刚起步之时,保姆市场是供大于求的。那时人们的家政观念还没放开,请保姆还是一个“奢侈”的想法。但随着近几年市场越来越大,家政服务员越来越少,供求关系彻底改变。康经理认为,近两年从事家政行业的人员一直在萎缩。他说,国家针对农民的一些政策让农民的收入增加,很多农村妇女都选择守家在地,而不愿再来城市当保姆,城市下岗职工再就业的渠道也越来越多,两个主要的保姆源都在变化,让家政公司招保姆也遇到了难题。保姆:做这一行太难了记者在采访中了解到,现在很多求职者都不愿意从事保姆工作,即使工资近千元。目前我市保姆从业人员基本上都是下岗和农村的妇女。她们更多地会选择照顾老人,主动要求带小孩的很少。在位于红星路南站的正达家政公司,当记者询问是否考虑从事保姆工作时,两位来沅陵的20岁左右的女孩十分坚决地摇了摇头。“现在的年轻人哪有当保姆的啊!工资再高也不去干这种伺候人的活,家里人也不愿意啊!再说了这要是传到亲戚朋友耳朵里,就没有面子了!”一位正从事保姆工作的孙阿姨说:“现在的保姆不好当啊!特别给人看孩子,太难干了!现在一家就一个孩子,父辈祖辈全宠着,娇贵得很!家长总担心保姆委屈了孩子。”“干多少活雇主还是觉得你偷懒了,稍微休息一会儿,就给你脸色看!保姆也是人啊,挣几个钱不容易,犯不着这么对待!说句实在话,要是家里不缺钱,谁也不愿去干这个活!”雇主:称心保姆实在难找在正达家政公司,一位王大妈告诉记者:“我老伴四五年前就瘫痪在床。一儿一女都在外地工作,他俩商量了一下,每月给我500块钱,让我找个好点儿的保姆照顾老头子。这两年,我们家的保姆换了八九个了。”王大妈苦笑着说道:“有些保姆干活不认真,总是想办法偷懒。有时候,实在看不下去就说两句,可是话说多了,她们又不耐烦,干不了几天就走人!”正达家政公司的全经理告诉记者,虽然通过中介公司找保姆双方都得把保姆工资的10%作为中介费,但现在不管雇主还是保姆都喜欢找中介,因为万一出了问题起码有个地方可以找。而现在的中介公司对双方的登记情况也很谨慎,除了登记身份证和家庭地址,还得亲自前往双方家里看看,向周围的居民了解一下情况,如果是租的房子或是外地人必须得先找个当地的保人。“我们对双方都得负责,要是不仔细点万一出了问题,我们的责任也不小啊!”据了解,目前我市家政服务业的培训机构并不多,家政服务人员上岗门槛较低,而家政服务双方一旦出现纠纷也多是由家政公司或中介公司从中调解。第四篇:保姆要求家庭保姆工作职责和工作要求协议书一、 岗位说明:1家政公司派遣其雇员到我方做家政服务工作,基本工资为1500元,我方为保姆提供正常的住宿条件,和一天三餐的正常饮食。2保姆在此岗位工作满一个月,家长会根据保姆的实际工作表现决定是否提高此岗位工资及提高的幅度。3保姆的医疗保障和医药费用由家政公司与保姆个人承担,与家长无关。4家长提供的岗位工资中已包含有各项保险费用。5假期和辞职(每月休息为2天,如特殊情况要休几天需把下个月的休息天数往前移):1天的假期,需提前三天通知家长,得到家长同意后方可休假。两天及两天以上的假期,需提前7天通知家长,得到家长同意后方可休假。辞职,需提前一个月通知家长。6保姆的个人用品如:牙膏、牙刷、毛巾、洗发水、沐浴液、化妆品及卫生巾等需自己准备。二、 工作职责a) 按照家长要求照料宝宝的日常生活。b) 负责做饭(早、中、晚三餐)。c) 负责打扫家庭卫生。d) 负责清洗、晾晒、熨烫、整理衣物。e) 其它三、 工作要求:(一) 按照家长要求照料宝宝的日常生活。1、对孩子要有爱心,要有强烈的责任感。(不允许打骂、呵斥孩子,避免比较2名孩子的优缺点。)2、孩子的奶瓶、奶嘴、小碗、水杯等必须每天早上及时消毒,下次使用前要保证消毒完毕。3、宝宝每天要冲二次澡。其中早上可带宝宝去游泳(如下雨可在家里冲澡),下午或傍晚洗澡一次。4、宝宝的衣物要单独手洗后晒干。5、时刻关注孩子的行为,防止孩子发生意外伤害。包括:磕碰摔伤、误服异物和药品、电击、烫伤等。6、在宝宝面前要礼貌待人并使用文明用语(语言不得带脏字)。7、每天可陪孩子玩游戏,充分利用家中不同的玩具,过后要及时整理。每天带孩子下楼活动。8、如照看孩子与做家务、做饭等工作冲突,应先照看孩子。待孩子睡觉时再做家务。(二)注意清洁卫生:1、每周一次用抹布清洁桌面及地面卫生,注意打扫卫生死角。2、随手整理家中的杂物,保证并保持居室整洁、干净、有秩序。3、每天清除生活垃圾,用塑料袋装好,放于公共垃圾桶处。4、保证食物和餐具清洁卫生;餐具清洗必须使用洗涤灵(但不可过多)去除油污,并用清水洗净,勿使残留。(三)负责做饭(早、中、晚三餐)。(四)负责清洗、晾晒、熨烫、整理衣物。 (保姆的衣服自己手洗。 )(五)其它1、注意防火、防盗。1)每次使用完电器后,必须将电器的开关关闭,并将插销拔下2)带孩子外出时,需锁好门窗。保管好钥匙。2、注意节约:包括水、电、煤气、电话、食品、物品。1)尽可能的合理循环用水。如孩子洗澡、游泳的水可用来冲厕所。2)洗衣、洗菜时龙头不要开的过大。3)随手关灯。4)独立看孩子时,禁止拨打、接听电话。5)保姆不熟悉或不会做的食品,应向家长咨询,以免造成浪费6)爱惜家中物品及器具。不会使用时需咨询家长,损坏需照价赔偿。3、严禁带外人进入房间;严禁将家庭情况告知他人。4、保持家中通讯通畅,家中发生紧急情况时,立刻电话通知家长。电话: 覃聪:13607857660张子媛:15278275518工作规范:1、做息时间1)早上6点钟起床,准备早点,清洁房间卫生,自己吃早餐。2)7点钟或8点左右宝宝醒来,先抱宝宝大小便,吃粥水或米糊(挤出的奶水先喂)。3)9点半带宝宝去游泳(如下雨就在家洗澡),游泳结束喂宝宝吃粥水或米糊(挤出的奶水先喂)。4)10点半可以陪孩子在室内及户外玩。5)11点半至12点半做午饭、喂孩子吃午饭,自己先吃午餐。6)下午4点左右可以陪孩子在室内及户外玩。7)5点半,给孩子洗澡。8)6点准备晚餐,自己先吃晚餐。9)7点半可完成其他工作(或一天中宝宝睡觉的时候完成)。10)10点:保姆睡觉。以上为暂定时间表,有可能根据情况调整。2、严禁抱着孩子使用手机!严禁因接打电话影响正常工作!宝宝睡觉时可以接打电话。但声音要小,不能影响孩子睡觉。3、待孩子入睡后可以看电视,但声音要小,并随时留意孩子的情况。严禁抱着孩子看电视。4、如保姆以往的工作经验与家长要求不符,需按家长的要求执行。保姆可以提供建议,坦诚沟通,禁止背后议论。奖惩1、奖励:第一个月试用期基本工资是1500元,如工作做得好,未出什么差错,带宝宝熟练可在第二个月加100元,至1600元,第三个月如带得出色,可加工资至1700元,定为最终工资。2、惩罚:(1)如因保姆未严格执行以上工作要求,导致孩子生病、出现意外伤害,扣发所有浮动工资;产生严重后果的,还要追究其他责任。(2)家长每次发现保姆未能遵守上述工作要求,则每次从工资中罚款人民币20元。(3)保姆辞工未遵循规定的,扣发当月所有工资。以上规定会根据家庭情况随时做出相应的修改,但会及时通知保姆,保姆需严格执行以上工作要求。保姆签名:家长签名:日期:年月日第五篇:“奶妈”月入四五千元 雇保姆vs辞职自带(图)“奶妈”月入四五千元 雇保姆vs辞职自带(图)just raised the family of lovely darling, young mother besides look after children, also want to straighten the extra pay that fresh blood brings. baby-sitter monthly pay goes up to 3000 multivariate white-collar mom are in a dilemma the end of the year will e, baby-sitter market rises in price again, the baby-sitter monthly pay of munity of guangzhou downtown part already went up to 30004000 yuan high price; was immersed in a few months into 449 yuan mom “ be in a dilemma “ condition: hire nurse, how does high price bear? do not hire nurse, does him abdication take care of darling? white-collar mom if abdication es home,take baby, right individual, right for the society, it seems that very not be to ones profit. the personage inside economy employment tells a reporter: the choice baby-sitter that recruit, the old person takes baby or resign oneself foster darling please, in the final analysis is an economy problem; proposal mom from characteristic of current ine level, profession, good luck rising job, get along with darling 4 respects such as apiration undertake quantifying an analysis, make scientific and rational decision. white-collar mom how conduct financial transactions? if baby-sitter salary + the monetary cost that mom and darling get along for a long time>working ine of mom, proposal mom abdication es home take care of darling. case1. ask an old person “ go into battle “ saved cost-of-living 1500 yuan of mr jiang to just retired last year, hurry to guangzhou to help from changsha the grandchildren that takes care of dissatisfaction one year old, “actually the unit should be returned hire me, monthly wages 4500 yuan. “ mr jiang says to the reporter, the salary that guangzhou asks a live housekeeper about 3000 yuan, appear it seems that mr jiang is pushed return hire the job not be to ones profit, but mr jiang calculate(敬请期待好推出更好文章:)d brushstroke zhang to the reporter: in changsha, the daily expenses such as every months of food, water and electricity, modity makes an appointment with mr jiang and old partner XX yuan, son and daughter-in-law are in guangzhou every months expenditure makes an appointment with 3500 yuan, two households spending 5500 yuan / month. 4 people live together now, the alone expenditure of eliminate little baby, every months of expenditure is controlled 4000 yuan only however, instead saved 1500 yuan, “my salary also pares baby-sitter only 1500 yuan tall, two-phase offsetted. children eat live meal every day, life quality also rose. “ mr jiang says. 2. the son that the nursery school on darling employs hour labour to visit half bridge wife than hiring nurse begins to go up this year after nursery school, accordingly, demit dropped live baby-sitter, turn and employed hour labour to do chore. “fee of 300 yuan of intermediary was paid in intermediary pany, hour is versed in a week works 6 days, everyday 3 hours, every monthly wages 1300 yuan, liver than asking baby-sitter should save expenditure the half is much. “ bridge wife says, if hour is versed in sudden decline is versed in, unapt also afraid darling is inmensurate, and intermediary pany still can be in charge of finding the person that replace. nevertheless, additionally one mrs chen says: “nursery school classessed are over more at 4 oclock, i and husband do not have method to receive a daughter. “ final, a respectful form of address for an old person that she asks neighbour home helps receive child, guard to arrive in the evening at 6 oclock half, every month is symbolistic pay a respectful form of address for an old person 500 yuan. analysis of conduct financial transactions: lunar ine under 8000 yuan preferential ask an old person to if mom hold to the job,be taken care of, so “ exclusive “ choose even if ask an old person to help, perhaps ask baby-sitter to look after children. the labour force flow that goes up according to economics is academic, the personage inside economy employment is outspread went out “ whether should mom resign “ inference is formulary: if baby-sitter salary+ mom gets along for a long time for working sacrifice and darling the monetary cost of time>working ine of mom (those who include prospective ine is integrated measure a level) , criterion mom should choose abdication to e home to look after children personally; if not be,bee “ be more than “ , however “ be less than “ , should hold to the job. e.g. , a mom is current monthly wages 5000 yuan every months, the monetary value that herself thinks to get along for a long time with the child is 1000 yuan (if mom can be together every day with darling,be, she auxes would rather take 1000 yuan of money less) , the market price of baby-sitter salary is 3000 yuan, so 3000+1000 is less than 5000 yuan, she holds to the job with respect to this. and if of another mom at present monthly wages is 6000 yuan, but the monetary value that she thinks oneself and child get along for a long time is 4000 yuan, baby-sitter salary is changeless, so, 3000+4000 is more than 6000 yuan, she es home with respect to this abdication oneself look after children. with this analogize, the old person looks after children also is same. if “ the life cost with live old person (include to take medicine see a doctor charge) “ + “ get along with the old person addition domestic contradiction cost “>salary standard of mom, so, proposal or him mom are taken; of course, a lot of mom can say: “live together with the grandfather of darling, grandmother, domestic contradiction is negative; live together with grandfather grandma, ability can produce this cost, but we analyse a problem to want objective, proposal mom asks the redo after baby father final conclusion first. “ if mom hold to the job, so: when “ the life cost with live old person (include to take medicine see a doctor charge) “ + “ get along with the old person addition domestic contradiction cost “>the salary standard of baby-sitter, ask employ housekeeper. above theory just simplifies formulary, besides professional element of mom, the body state of the disposition characteristic of level of domestic whole ine, young couple, darling also can be affected “ formulary “ balance and “ decision-making “ validity. delicate in health of some body of darling a priori, need is caressed meticulously, so him mom kisses force to be in person is first selection, choice of take second place is the old person es round to attend. and if domestic ine level is very high, proposal mom still is employ baby-sitter, oneself go out the job has dignity and freedom more, also more the benefit balance at domesticity. but if domestic ine whole is very low, than moonish ine under 8000 yuan, so, give 3000 yuan of nurse that recruit very disloyal border, suggest first consideration asks an old person to attend; if mom resigns, certainly will more level of influence family ine. how to measure teach you careful calculation and strict budgeting: enrol the li chunchen of branch of merchant bank guangzhou to think: how to choose to should look the following 4 elements; he built for this quantify economy model: 1. ine level of mom, the share of 50% was held in whole judgement system, be “ whether should resign “ the most main critical factor in this problem. level of ine of mom antenatal job is lower, the rationality that its do full-time mom is bigger, monthly pay tens of thousands of yuan mom, do not suggest to quit the job. “to this element, we divide 10 class to make ponent: monthly pay crosses 30 thousand yuan mom, make ponent 10; monthly pay is in 20 thousand 3 10 thousand yuan between, make ponent for 9; monthly pay is 4500 yuan (it is current about inside guangzhou city of full-time nurse salary 1.5 times) make ponent for 6; monthly pay under 3000 yuan, make ponent for 1. “2. the possibility of preferment of mom future position, raises, the share of 15% was held in researching a system, those who make an on-the-spot investigation is the opportunity cost that abdication es home. downwind downstream of the duty field of some mom, foreground quite beautiful, want to insist to work hard only, in 35 year not far in the future, have the possibility that raisesduty and raises considerably; or, located unit has the fixed system that presses time and raises of qualifications and record of service originally, cannot see current pay only so, should consider opportunity cost of future. to this element, we also divide 10 class to make ponent: future inside 3 years considerably raises (show in existing ine the foundation is added receive 50% above) be more than the mom of 80% with preferment possibility, this project makes ponent for 10; prospective 35 year have possibility of raises, preferment, make ponent for 8; future has 50% preferment possibility inside 5 years, make ponent for 6. 3. the apiration that mom and darling get along and affection cost, the share of 20% was held in whole system, the disposition of this and mom is relative. this element contains very strong subjective colour, mom can make ponent according to his him disposition, still use 10 minutes to make, the mark is higher, disposition is stood by more “ female strong person “ . 4. of mom again obtain employment possibility, also be important payoff, with above the 2nd element has close connection, the cost of 15% was held in researching a system. between profession and profession, freedom is spent differ very far, some professional liquidity are strong, “ will go free “ , stay in the home 35 years, “give all corners of the country again “ still do a job with skill and ease, wait like stylist, lawyer in the white-collar, the member that basic level job is like salesman, sale; some professions are step-by-step, once lose,search very hard again, e.g. the position of officeholder, institution. proposal: rising characteristic of job opportunity, profession to should bring into those who quantify an analysis to be worth white-collar mom to pay close attention to is: market of current chinese inland talent, of this element and mom get educational rate and did not concern one to one correspondencely; belong to “ both ends is small, among big “ state, technical threshold is high, can replace the top class gold with not strong sex to get a profession admittedly person of outstanding ability is begged hard, fundamental service industry also needs to hire at any time however, special favour has the boss of look forward to of a few large illicit the home has child employee of blue collar female; instead is “ the part intermediate “ , the white-collar mother that have university record of formal schooling, mon major are not so easy again obtain employment, perhaps say, after the home stays a few years, the photograph of working ine level before the job that es out to be able to search and foal goes very far. to this element: anticipate 35 after year, enter the can find original position easily mom after all corners of the country again, might as well oneself make ponent for 10; anticipate 35 after year, can find other profession but the mom in cannot returning former post field, can hit 6 minutes; think once oneself leave oneself post, subjective go up to want to bee full-time wife forever, might as well oneself hit 0 minutes. fasten basic include in order to the upper part of the body each respects that chinese inland society lives, have stronger maneuverability. if final aggregate total cent is more than 6 minutes, should not resign, and the form that should choose the baby-sitter that recruit solves a problem; and if aggregate always divide in 5 minutes the following, can consider abdication to return property full-time mom. mrs chen with above article for instance medium case, have the capacity of tall record of formal schooling of famous brand university, popular major graduates, and the job that has deep love for oneself, again the ability of obtain employment slants strong, at present monthly pay crosses 10 thousand yuan. to her, 4 elements hit above cent is ordinal for: 7 minutes, 8 cent, 6 dispenses 6 minutes. total cent is 0.15=6.8 cent of of 0.2+6 of 0.15+6 of of 7 0.5+8, be more than 6 minutes; for this, hold to the job, employ baby-sitter to help, fit her actual condition quite really. of announce of wangwei of jing nan of article, reporter, cheng shitu, reporter editor: ? betray moss shank?滕fmXX除你为整理的以上范文外,系统还推荐以下相关范本:星级月嫂月薪8800元 硕士女白领辞职当保姆辞职报告辞职申请辞职申请辞职报告辞职申请辞职报告的格式写法范文辞职报告及辞职申请书第 18 页 共 18 页

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