昆明市2019版英语一年级下册 Unit 2 This is my pencil 第一课时 练习卷(I)卷

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昆明市2019版英语一年级下册 Unit 2 This is my pencil 第一课时 练习卷(I)卷_第1页
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昆明市2019版英语一年级下册 Unit 2 This is my pencil 第一课时 练习卷(I)卷_第2页
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昆明市2019版英语一年级下册 Unit 2 This is my pencil 第一课时 练习卷(I)卷_第3页
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昆明市2019版英语一年级下册 Unit 2 This is my pencil 第一课时 练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Where _ you? ( )Im _ New York.Aare; inBis; inCare; at2 . Can I go outside now? ( )No, you _.AcantBarentCcan3 . My key is on the floor. Can you for me? ( )Sure.Apick it upBpick up itCpick them upDpick up them4 . - How many pencils?( )- ASure.BThankyou.CFive.5 . -Im sorry. ( )- AImfine.BThats OK.CIhavefive.二、填空题6 . 我会选(选词填空)rainy in visited kind weather【小题1】It was_ in Changsha yesterday.【小题2】He _ the Great Wall last month.【小题3】I was_ bed at home.【小题4】The _ in Beijing was cloudy.【小题5】People were_ to her.三、单词拼写7 . 拼写1. p l b e d h n k y t c f i j2. a r v q c m p l o e k t g w3. b v o s o p j c e h l u f k4. y i u l r e o f b k x v s h5. u h q r o r a x b b w e t s6. o u x b o y k r q z j c l m7. o x s m u t e v w g p y l l8. f e l q z a n k v h b i x r9. m x n e j r g z l t r b k u10. s u n y m h i c x o r a j t11. q p u h y n v i e w x z m o12. h c d o x o n e r a l s b j四、匹配题看图,写序号。(把正确答案的序号写在括号中)A. five B. three C. four D. six E. eight8 . (_)9 . (_)10 . (_)11 . (_)12 . (_)五、其他13 . 根据图片、首字母或中文提示,完成句子,每空一词1. A: _ your birthday, John? B: My birthday is on the _ of June.A: What do you usually do _ your birthday?B: I usually have a_ with my friends. We _ a big birthday cake together and play some _.A: Sound great!2. A: Look at the street. There are many c_ .B: Yes, the traffic is so b_.3. 你不应该喝冷水,你应该喝温水。You _ drink cold water, you should drink_ water.4. 葡萄又大又甜,你想吃点吗?The _ are big and _, would you like some?第 5 页 共 5 页

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