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成都市2019版六年级下册期末测试英语试卷A(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ a book and two pens in the bag.( )AareBisCwere2 . Mr. White lives _ school, but he comes to school _. ( )Afar from; by busBnear; on footCfar from; on foot3 . 选出每组中画线字母读音不同的一项。( )1. A. dog B. go C. box( )2. A. body B. on C. mother( )3. A. to B. mom C. doll( )4. A. so B. home C. orange( )5. A. body B. nose C. no4 . I want _ a bike. ( )AbuyBbuy toCto buyDto5 . Do you enjoy _? ( )AdanceBdancingCdanceing6 . 选出不同类单词。(_) 1AblackBwhiteCcolour(_) 2AcoatBcoolCnice(_) 3AappleBvegetableCpear(_) 4AdeskBpenCchair(_) 5AdrinkBjuiceCmilk二、填空题7 . 选择适当的动词,用动词的适当形式填空have comb梳 play get listen1. Lily says, I _three markers and my sister_ one.2. I want to_ to the radio after lunch.3. She _ her hair in the morning after she _ up.4. Miss Zhang is _ on the computer with Jenny.5. I _milk and bread for my breakfast everyday.三、单词拼写根据句意或首字母提示写单词。8 . My bag is heavy, but my sisters bag is l_.9 . Math is difficult for me, but I think English is e_.10 . Do you want the yellow skirt _ the white one? I want the white one.11 . What do you do a_ you finish your homework? I go to bed.12 . H_ do you watch TV? I watch TV twice a week.四、任务型阅读阅读理解。周末到了,彼得一家人欢聚在一起,共度周末。让我们一起走进他的家去看一看。This is Peters family. Look! This is Peters father. Hes a doctor(医生). This is Peters mother. Shes a nurse(护士). And this is Peters little brother. He is three. His name is Sam. They are having dinner(吃晚饭)now. They are very happy.13 . 选择最佳答案。1. Peters _ is a doctor. (_)A. father B. mother2. Peters little brother is _. (_)A. two B. three14 . 判断对(T)错(F)。1. Peters mother is a doctor, too. (_)2. Peters brother is Tom. (_)3. Peters family is very happy. (_)阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom: Hello! Do you go to school every day?Lily: No, we go to school from Monday to Friday.Tom: What are you going to do this Sunday?Lily: Im going to swim.Tom: What about your brother, Sam? Lily: He is going to fly a kite.Tom: Where is he now?Lily: He is at home. He is making the kite.Tom: Can I go and have a look?Lily: Sure. Lets go.15 . Lily goes to school every day.(_)16 . Sam is Lilys brother.Hes making a kite.(_)17 . Lilys brother is going to fly a kite on Sunday.(_)18 . Tom is going to go to see Sam.(_)19 . Lilys going to swim on Sunday.(_)五、判断题20 . Read and tick“T”or cross“F”: Lets ride my bike. Great!六、选内容补全对话21 . Read and choose 选择合适的句子补全对话,将其大写字母编号填在横线上。A. Why do you like winter B. No, I dont C. Yes, I do D. What do you do on the weekend E. What do you doF. When is your birthday G. Which season do you like bestA. Why do you like winter B. No, I dont C. Yes, I do D. What do you do on the weekend E. What do you doF. When is your birthday G. Which season do you like bestMary: Hello. Can I interview you for the school newspaper?Tom: Of course.Mary: 1. _?Tom: I am a policeman.Mary: 2. _?Tom: I often climb mountains on the weekend.Mary: Do you like summer?Tom: 3. _. Mary: 4. _?Tom: I like winter best. I can shi in winter. And my birthday is in winter.Mary: 5. _?Tom: Its February 1st.Mary: Thank you very much.七、匹配题根据图片选单词。AeraserBmilkCeightDhandEmonkeyFmouthGsix H. penI. juice J. elephant22 . (_)23 . (_)24 . (_)25 . (_)26 . (_)27 . (_)28 . (_)29 . (_)30 . (_)31 . (_)八、书面表达32 . 书面表达。写一篇小短文,介绍你和家人的生日在什么时候,生日时会做些什么。要求:1.语句通顺;2不少于5句话。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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