广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school练习卷(I)卷

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广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school练习卷(I)卷_第1页
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广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school练习卷(I)卷_第2页
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广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy's school练习卷(I)卷_第3页
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广西壮族自治区2019-2020学年英语五年级上册Module 8 Unit 2 Yesterday I went to Sam and Amys school练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出画线部分读音不同的一项:( )AredBbearCradio2 . I _ to the zoo tomorrow.Aam goBam goingCgo3 . There are three songbirds in the eighth tree. They are opening their mouths and singing.上句四个斜体单词画线部分读音与众不同的是_. ( )AthereBthreeCeighthDmouths4 . Yesterday, I went to _school. ( )ASam and AmyBSams and AmysCSam and Amys5 . 选出下列每组词中画线部分发音不同的一个( )AduckBuseCcuteDexcuse6 . _ you _ lots of fresh food in Xinjiang? No, I didnt.ADid; eatBDid; ateCDo; eat7 . 选出画线部分读音不同的一项:( )AmouthBfatherCthose8 . 选出划线部分发音不同的词(_)1.A. rule B.ruler C.rubber D.flute(_)2.A.pipeB.fishC.pineappleD.light(_) 3.A.bothB.withC.thatD.those(_)4.A.foodB.cookC.footD.look(_)5.A.westB.wetC.petD.me9 . 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A. boxB. sirC. fox( ) 2. A. seventy B.X-ray C. ox( ) 3. A. box B. fox C. do( ) 4. A.sixteen B.sixty C. ax( ) 5. A.some B. Tuesday C. glasses10 . 从下列每组单词中选出划线部分发音不同的一项。(_)1.A. cakeB. dadC. name(_)2.A. likeB. kiteC. big(_)3.A. duckB. useC. cute(_)4.A. noseB. boxC. home(_)5.A. sheB. weC. red11 . -What happened, Ben? ( )-We some ants on the bread.AsawBseeCseesDseeing12 . I _ to Sam and Amys school yesterday. ( )AgoBgoesCwent13 . I _my homework yesterday. ( )AdoBdidCdoing14 . “What time is it?”的同义句是:_( )AWhats the matter?BWhats the time?二、完形填空完形填空。We have a big playground in our school. We all like to_games_after school.Its Friday. We have only two classes_the afternoon. When school is_, a lot of students go to the playground. Look! The boys of Grade Two are_a basketball match. Some girls are_and shouting.Football is our favourite sport. Many teachers are also_football. Li Ming, Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade One. They play football very_.Its half_five now. Its time _home. The students all leave the playground.15 . AdoBmakeCplayDtake16 . AthereBhereCat thereDat here17 . AonBinCatDwith18 . AbeginningBfinishCallDover19 . AhavingBmakingCplayingDdoing20 . AseeingBlookingCwatchingDmeeting21 . AplayingBplaying theCplayDplay the22 . AgoodBniceCwellDbad23 . ApastBpassCoverDand24 . AtoBto goCgoDgo to三、填内容补全对话25 . 看图完成对话。1. How do you go to school?Usually I go to school _.2. Wheres the bookstore?Its _ the supermarket.3. How can I get to the science museum?Go straight and then _.4. What are you going to do this weekend?Were going to _.5. What are you going to buy?Im going to buy a _.四、选内容补全对话26 . 选择合适的句子补全对话。AYes, I do. I like playing basketball.BI go to school.CI played basketball yesterday.DNo, I didnt. I went swimming.Andy: Hello, Daniel.Daniel: Hello, Andy.Andy: What do you do at eight oclock every weekday?Daniel: _Andy: Did you go to school yesterday?Daniel: _What did you do yesterday?Andy: _Daniel: Do you play basketball every day?Andy: _第 6 页 共 6 页

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