广州市2019版英语五年级下册UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY Lesson 18 练习卷2(I)卷

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广州市2019版英语五年级下册UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY Lesson 18 练习卷2(I)卷_第1页
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广州市2019版英语五年级下册UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY Lesson 18 练习卷2(I)卷_第2页
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广州市2019版英语五年级下册UNIT FIVE WHOS THAT BABY BOY Lesson 18 练习卷2(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、任务型阅读阅读理解(A:Mrs. Charles B:Clerk)A:Hello. This is Mrs. Charles. Id like to buy a new car. Could you offer me a new type of the car, please?B:Oh,Madam, buy what?A:A new car. And Ive got a small family, two children,and I havent got a lot of money and.B:Oh, oh,Madam, Madam. Im afraid you have the wrong number.A:Isnt this the car store?B:No. Its Mikes Sporting Goods.A:Oh, sorry. Do you know the number for a car store, then?B:No. I dont. I suggest you look in the phone book.A:Im sorry to have bothered you.B:No problem. Words List:offer提供 madam夫人 store商店 goods 商品suggest 建议 look in 查阅 phone book 电话簿根据材料,选择下列各题“是(T)”或“不是(F)”。1 . Mrs. Charles wants to buy sporting goods. (_)2 . The clerk cant offer a car. (_)3 . Mrs. Charles has two children. (_)4 . Mrs. Charles dials a wrong number. (_)5 . The clerk suggest Mrs. Charles look in the phone book. (_)二、英译汉6 . 写出下列单词的汉语意思1. daughter_ 2. cousin _ 3. niece _4. nephew_ 5. photo _ 6. baby _三、选内容补全对话7 . 选词填空often kids same son seven daughter guess niece nephew lovelyDear Tom,How is everything going?How are your 1. _? Is your 2._, my 3._, Sally, 4._ years old now? Your 5._, my one-year old 6._ must be very 7._. My parents and I 8._ talk about you. I 9._ you must do the 10._.Looking forward to hearing from you.Yours, Sara第 2 页 共 2 页

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