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广州市2019年四年级下册期末测试英语试卷A(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ is the ball? ( )Its in front of the box.AWhatBWhereCWho2 . Look at the sun _ the sky. ( )AatBonCin3 . Why not_ on Tuesday? ( )AgoBgoesCgoing为下列图片选择正确的句子。4 . ( )AIm from the UK.BWelcome to China.CIm from the USA.5 . ( )AWelcome!BLets go home!CCome here, children!6 . ( )AThe books are on the desk.BThe pen is in the desk.CThe pencil box is under the desk.7 . ( )AHave a good time!BOpen it and see!CLets buy some fruit!8 . ( )AHe is my brother.BHe is my grandfather.CShe is my sister.9 . Its fun to _in this way. ( )AeatingBdrinkingCdrink10 . There are many flowers and trees in the _( )Anature parkBcomputer roomCGreat Wall11 . I am a nurse. Where do I work? ( )AAt a school.BOn a farm.CAt a hospital.12 . And _ other cats? ( )AaBtheCan13 . _ this your watch? ( )AIsBAreCIsnt14 . Li Ming is _ home. ( )AinBatCto二、填空题15 . 选词填空Are name too am Sit(1)_down, please.(2)Whats your _?(3)Nice to meet you, _.(4)I _Lulu.(5)_you Dongdong?按要求写词。16 . plan(复数)_17 . talk(现在分词)_18 . busy(反义词)_19 . lets(完整形式)_20 . will not(缩略形式)_21 . month(复数)_22 . travel(名词)_23 . different(反义词)_24 . photo(复数)_25 . sound(第三人称单数)_三、阅读回答问题阅读理解A Lazy BoyTwo friends are having a holiday. Their names are Frank and Henry. Henry is very lazy.On the first evening of their holiday, Frank says to Henry, Heres some money. Go and buy some meat. Im too tired, answers Henry, You go.So Frank goes to buy the meat. Later he comes back and says toHenry, Now heres the meat. Please cook it. But Henry answers, No, Im not good at cooking. You do it. So Frank cooks the meat. Then he says to Henry, Go and get soinewater.No, I dont want to get my clothes dirty, Henry answers.At last, Frank says, The meat is ready. Come and eat it. Yes, Ill do that, answers Henry, I dont like saying No all the time.26 . What are Frank and Henry doing? _27 . Does Henry go to buy the meat? _28 . Who cooks the meat? _29 . Why doesnt Henry want to buy the meat and cook the meat? _30 . Do Frank and Henry eat the meat at last? _四、英汉混合英汉互译31 . 谈论他们的业余爱好_32 . 在冬季_33 . 喜欢溜冰_34 . 有一个想法_35 . 去溜冰_36 . on the ice_37 . be good at skating_38 . Theres a hole in the ice._39 . look out_40 . cold and wet_第 5 页 共 5 页

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