山西省2020版英语三年级下册Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short. 练习卷(I)卷

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山西省2020版英语三年级下册Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short. 练习卷(I)卷_第1页
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山西省2020版英语三年级下册Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short. 练习卷(I)卷_第3页
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山西省2020版英语三年级下册Module 2 Unit 2 That man is short. 练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There _ a small building in my old school before. ( )AwasBisChad2 . People use _ to make clothes. ( )AmetalBcottonCplasticDclay3 . Miss Li teaches _ English. We all like _.( )Aus; sheBus; herCmy; her4 . ( ) Lookthis big wheel.AinBCat5 . It was a long holiday. They_ Shanghai on Mar. 2nd and _ to Harbin on the 3rd.Aleave, gotBleft , getCleft, got6 . What are they?( )AIts a tiger.BTheyre monkeys.CThats a dog.二、情景交际7 . 你想问新来的同学他多大了,你该说:( )AHow old are you?BNice to meet you.8 . 你买苹果时,问价格应说:AHow much are they?BHow many apples are there?CWhat do you want?9 . 你想问对方冷不冷,你可以问:( )AAre you hot?BAre you cold?CAre you sad?10 . 如果口袋里没有米了,你怎么说:ATheres no bag in the rice.BTheres no rice in the bag.CTheyre in the bag.三、排序题11 . 将下列句子排序,组成一段完整的对话。(首句已给出) AThe lion is big.BThey are elephants.CWhats that? Is it a tiger, Amy?DYes. And it is fat too.ENo, it isnt. Its a lion.FLook! What are they?正确顺序:F _四、选内容补全对话12 . 补全对话。AFine, thank you.BHi, Lingling.CNo, it isnt.DMy favourite colour is red.EWhats your favourite song?A: Hello, Amy.B: _A: How are you, Amy?B: _ And how are you?A: Im fine too. Thank you. _B: My favourite song is the ABC song.A: Is your favourite colour blue?B: _A: Whats your favourite colour?B: _五、匹配题13 . 选择答句1. Can I have a drink?ANo, I cant.2. Can I have an ice cream?BYes, here is the water.3. Can you run fast?CNo, you cant eat the ice cream.六、连词成句连词成句14 . fine, am, I (.)_15 . we, Where, have, it, shall (?)_16 . small, is, My, very, house (.)_17 . often, did, last, have, how, breakfast, you, week, (?)_18 . your, whats, aunts, job (?)_19 . 连词成句,注意标点1. do, anything, did, else, you (?)_2. is, fine, it, today(.)_3. Peter, a, singing, is, song (?)_4. off, my, fell, I, bike, Saturday, last (.)_5. it, is, what (?)_20 . 连词成句。1. you, your, do, like, classroom, new (?)_2. City, Su Hai, near, Library, lives (.)_3. a, Tom, bike, has, green (.)_4. is, bookshop, there, a, on, street, the (.)_连词成句。21 . is, New York, in, east, the, the US, of, (.)_22 . New York, Is, capital, of, the, the US, (?)_23 . is, in, west, the, Los Angeles, of, the US, (.)_24 . 连词成句。1. not, to, going, work, Im (.)_2. is, again, raining, it (?)_3. dont, plans, any, I, have, weekend, the, for (.)_4. see, we, coat, her, purple, can (.)_5. Little Monkey, to, build, a, going, is, house (.)_七、连线题25 . 请将对应的单词连线。1. fata. that2. shortb. thin3. bigc. small4. thisd. tall第 6 页 共 6 页

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