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山西省2019年三年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷3(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_youhave? ( )-Ihave6AHowpensmanydoBHowmanypensdo2 . 情景会话,选择正确答案。(4分)Bob:Look,Tim!That is my mother.Tim:_(1)_Bob:She is a TV reporter.Tim:Oh!_(2)_Bob:No,he isnt._(3)._Tim:How interesting!(4)_Bob:Yes.AHe is a vet.BHe takes care of pets, right?CIs your father a TV reporter,too?DWhat does your mother do?3 . this a dog? ( )AIsBisC/Dare根据图意,选词填空,将其大写字母编号写在横线上。4 . A:_this?B:Its a picture.AWhatsBWhos5 . A:_is she?B:She is my sister.AWhatBWho6 . A:Please put the ball _the chair.B:OK.AunderBon7 . A:May I use _eraser?B:OK. Here you are.A. Thank you. A. youAyour8 . A:_you have a toy rabbit?B:Yes , I do.ADoBDoes9 . A:_it a bus?B:Yes , it is.AIsBAre10 . A:Lets be _B:OK.AfriendsBfriend11 . There are too many _ in the water. ( )ArubbishBfishCplasticDpaper12 . I am_, Idlikeahamburger. ( )AthirstyBhungryChealthy13 . Dinners ready. Help yourself!_ ( )AThank you.BHere you are!CYoure welcome.选出不同类的一项。14 . AphoneBdeskCchairDquiet15 . AlightBkitchenCbedroomDbathroom16 . AkeyBheCsheDthey17 . AinBnearCunderDno18 . AchairBtableCcomputerDdesk19 . AtallBstrongCthinDnotebook二、情景交际20 . 当你咨询同学有多少支钢笔时,你可以说:( )AHow many pens do you have?BHow old are you?CDo you have any pens?21 . 早晨起晚了, 找不到袜子, 你会问:_( )AWhere are my socks?BWhere are my shorts?三、填空题写出两个同类的词。22 . hungry _23 . tea _24 . dumplings _25 . you _26 . drink _四、匹配题27 . 读句子,选择恰当的答语。【小题1】Eat some fish. A Youre welcome.【小题2】Thank you. B Thank you.【小题3】Id like some juice. C Sure. Here you are.【小题4】Can I have some rice? D Me too.五、看图题28 . 根据图意在横线上填写单词,完成句子。1.This is a_. It is fifteen yuan.2.The man is a_. He can make nice food for us.3.There is a big_in our school. We like reading books there.4.The_is one hundred and_yuan.六、画图题29 . 读一读,涂颜色。1. Colour the face orange 2. Colour the eyes blue.3. Colour the mouth red.4. Colour the ear green.5. Colour the body brown.第 6 页 共 6 页

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