山东省2019版英语一年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷(I)卷

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山东省2019版英语一年级上册Module 7 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Im _. ( )AtireBtiredCtirey2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AFlag DayBChristmasCthe MidAutumn Festival读单词,找出不同类的一项。3 . AauntBfamilyCcousin4 . AcakeBbreadCsoup5 . AknifeBchopsticksCbaby6 . AmilkBstudyCbathroom7 . AcookBmotherCnurse圈出不同类的单词。8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . What_ interesting book! ( )AaBanChow选出不同类的一项14 . AcrayonBschoolbagClibrary15 . AdinnerBelevenCfive16 . AuncleBfamilyCcousin17 . AorangeBpigCcow18 . AdeskBunderCchair19 . _ your name ? My name _ Bob .AWhats ; isBWhat ; isCWhats ; are20 . Lily _ a new watch yesterday. ( )AbuyBboughtCbuys21 . He is _the newspaper. ( )AreadingBwatchingCseeing22 . _ in your room? ( )AWhereBWhatCWhats23 . HeresamirrorNancy.Itshermother. ( )Afrom;toBto;fromCfor;from24 . December is the_ month. ( )AninthBtenthCtwelfth25 . Can I have some apples?A、Good afternoon!B、Sure. Here you are.26 . - What is that? Is it a kite? ( )- _AYes, it is. Its a yellow kite.BIt is a red kite.27 . What Ben want to be ? He _ to be a story writer . ( )Ado , wantsBdoes , wantCdoes , wants28 . Is it Linglings sweater?( )Yes, it is _.AherBsheChers二、情景交际29 . 如果你认为那个带轮子的包很轻,你应该说:( )AThat bag is light. Its got two wheels.BIts got a tiger on my shirt.30 . 当你参加完长跑后,你感觉很累,会说:_AI feel cold.BI feel happy.CI feel tired.31 . 对方问你在夏天可以做什么,你回答:_( )AI go swimming in summer.BWe wear sweaters in winter.三、填空题32 . 选择合适的单词填空。(有一个多余选项)isnt are am was were wasnt werent1. He _ tall then. He was short. 2. I _ an English teacher now. 3. Lily, Linda and Lucy _ short then. They were thin and tall. 4. You _ thin now. 5. This _ my uncle. He is my big brother. 6. Shenzhen _ a small village then.33 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Can you draw these_(flower)?2. There are many_(tree)in the park.3. I dont have_(some)lessons today.4. I cant skate. Its_(easy).5. Can you draw_(they)? Yes, I can.34 . 选词补全句子。AWhatBWhenCdoDare E. Lets1. _do you often do on the weekend?-I often play football with my friends.2. -_go fishing next Sunday. -OK.3. When _you go back to school after lunch?4. What _you doing? -I am doing my homework.5. -_do you usually visit your grandparents?-On weekends.四、改错35 . Do you has enough time?五、匹配题36 . 看图片,选句子(_)1. (_)2. (_)3. (_)4. (_)5. (_)6. AHi, Im from Canada.BLook at that panada. Its fat.CThe giraffe is so tall.DThis is Chen Jie. Shes a new student.EHes my father.FWhos that woman? Shes my teacher.六、看图题根据提示写词,完成句子(每空一词)37 . The womans t_ but the mans t_.38 . The bears b_ but the elephants _.39 . The papers l_ and the pumpkins h_.40 . This sign _ _! You must stay away. 41 . Its very h_ in s_ in Nanjing and its very c_ in w_, too. 42 . This mans _ PE, so hes very s_.43 . 看图选择合适的词填空1. 2.She was _ (fat,thin) The cats _ small.(are,were)Now she is _. Now they _ big.3 4.The boy was _.(short,tall) I _ young.(was,were)Now he is _. They _ young,too.七、连线题44 . Read and match.1. How many pandas?a. 它是一只白色的狗。2. Its a white dog.b. 它是一个盒子吗?3. Hello!c. 你好!4. Is it a box?d. 是的,它是。5. Yes, it is.e. 多少只熊猫?45 . 找朋友。1.What would you like? ANo, thanks.2.Do you like carrots?BTen yuan.3.What do you want? CYes, I do.4.How much is the book? DI want some cakes.5.What about eggs?E. Id like a cold drink.第 7 页 共 7 页

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