太原市2019版英语五年级上册Module 9 单元测试卷(I)卷

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太原市2019版英语五年级上册Module 9 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Mum and I _ in Hong Kong last Sunday. ( )AwasBareCwere2 . -_( )-Hes in the bedroom.AWhere is he?BWhat is it?CWho is he?找出不同类的一项。3 . AMondayBtodayCSunday4 . AdrawBtallCshort5 . AartBEnglishChomework6 . AfootballBplayCwatch7 . APEBChineseCclass8 . Grandma is 90 years old, shes not _. ( )AyoungBoldCbig9 . They dont like seafood, because its _. ( )AdeliciousBgoodCawfulDboring选出下列中文意思相符的单词。10 . 厌烦的( )AtiredBboredCsad11 . 饿的( )AhungryBhappyCthirsty12 . 农场( )AschoolBfarmChome13 . 感觉( )AhaveBfeelCcall14 . 告诉( )AtellBmatterClost15 . Whats the matter_ Amy?AofBwithCfor16 . ( ) (3)_ is the last month of the year.ADecemberBNovemberCOctober17 . The little boy walked by and _ me up. ( )AwakeBwokeCwakes18 . The pear isthan the apple. ( )AolderBheavierCstronger二、填空题19 . 选词填空。fast fantastic pass healthy well1. She is a _ goalkeeper.2. In the past, my grandpa ran very _.3. Can you _ the basketball to me?4. Can you play football _?5. This is my grandma. She is _.20 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They are laughing _ (loud).2. I see some people _ (walk) on the square.3. Everyone _ (want) to walk.4. These are _ (child).5. - May I help you _ (take) a picture?- No, thanks.6. Now I am _ (put) a film in my camera.7. There are many _ (woman) here!8. Yesterday Danny _ (see) Mr. Wood!9. I liked _ (go) to Wangfujing Street to buy gifts.10. Jenny, Li Ming and _ (I) are at our hotel.三、英汉混合21 . 英汉互译1.for example _ 2.遵守规则_3.find out _ 4.认真学习_5.some day _ 6.过马路_7.zebra crossing _ 8.环游世界_9.at a time_ 10.从那时起_四、句型转换22 . 按要求完成句子。1. more, do, exercise, should, You (.) (连词成句)_2. Is your brother a worker? (作肯定回答)_, _.3. I usually come to school by bike. (对划线部分提问)_ do you _ come to school?4. Im going to see a film tonight. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _ tonight?5. Oliver likes doing Kungfu. (改为一般疑问句)_ Oliver _ doing Kungfu?五、匹配题找出句子的答语。A. A boy or girl?B. No. She isnt.C. Ben.D. Some rulers and books.E.Is it on the floor?23 . Whos your best friend?_24 . Is she Sarah?_25 . Whats in your bag?_26 . Where is the brown pencil box? _27 . I have a good friend._六、连词成句28 . 连词成句。1. that Is schoolbag your ( ? )_2. my is Where pencil ( ? )_3. isnt This my rubber ( . ) _4. is This you for ( . ) _5. Dont Yang Ling drink(.) _第 5 页 共 5 页


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