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哈尔滨市2019版六年级上册期中测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its 7:00 now. Time _ breakfast. ( )AtoBatCforDin2 . Were you happy _ the holiday? ( ) Yes, I was.AatBduringCtoDof3 . The children _football tomorrow. ( )Ais going to playBare going to playCare playingDwill playing4 . Im 9 _. ( )Ayears oldByear oldCold year5 . I often come to schoolfoot. ( )AonBbyCto6 . _ is the tree? ( ) Its two meters tall.AHow oldBHow tallCHow long7 . Put your eraser(在旁边)your pencil box?AnearBonCunder8 . ( ) Im very glad _ you.AseeBto seeCseeingDto seeing9 . Lets _ the cinema.Ago toBgoing toCto go to10 . What do you do on Sundays? ( )A周日你做什么?B周日你去哪里?C这周日做什么?11 . When_ you _ an art lesson? ( )Aare; haveBare; going to haveCis; going to have二、填空题12 . 将下列单词抄写并写出其中文意思1. wonderful_2. badminton_3. football_4. afternoon_三、任务型阅读任务型阅读。Look at my classroom. Its big and clean. You can see a blackboard, a computer, two pictures, four fans, six windows, eight lights and forty-five desks and chairs. The pictures are near the window. The windows are green. The fans are blue. The lights are white. The desks and chairs are yellow. My classroom is nice. I like it very much.13 . 根据短文内容,用英文写出下列物品的颜色。_14 . 根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误( F)。1.My classroom is small. (_)2.My classroom has a computer. (_)3.You can see two blackboards in the classroom. (_)4.The pictures are near the blackboard. (_)5.There are twenty-five desks in the classroom. (_)四、选内容补全对话选择合适的选项,组成一段完整对话。(其中有一项多余)AWhatcolourisit?B: Howmany?BThankyousomuch!D: Ilostmyschoolbag.CWhatsinyourschoolbag?A:Excuseme,15 . .B: 16 . .A:Itablack.B:OK!17 . .A:Apen,twopencils, fourbooks, manycrayons.B:Hereitis!A: 18 . .五、连词成句Rearrange the words. (连词组句。)19 . at, my, Look, hand_.20 . is, This, eye, my_.21 . your, Open, mouth_.22 . are, you, How_?23 . your, Clap, hands_.24 . play, the, with, puppet, Lets_.25 . head, your, Touch_.六、书面表达26 . 书面表达。你有自己喜爱的宠物吗?为什么喜欢它呢?请用英语写下来和同学们分享吧!要求:语法正确,语句通顺。不少于五句话。提示:pet, like, lovely_第 4 页 共 4 页


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