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哈尔滨市2019版六年级下册名校小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(十二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Hi, Im Bobby. ( )-.AHi, Im SamBGood morningCHi, Sam2 . will you stay in Hong Kong, Lily? ( )For a year.AWhenBHowCHow longDWhere3 . -_ your music teacher? ( )-Ms Liu.AWhoBWhosCWhose选出每组中不同类的一项。4 . AChinaBthe U. K.CCanadaDLondon5 . AfamousBclockCbeautifulDeasy6 . AgreenBkingCqueenDpresident7 . ABig BenBBuckingham PalaceCcapital cityDthe White House8 . AknowBspeakCEnglishDlive9 . In _ , we ask“Where is the toilet?”In _ , we ask“Where is the restroom?” ( )Athe UK; the USBthe US; the UKCUK; US10 . Can a _ run? ( )Yes, it can.AdogBbirdCfish11 . Its hot. I can_ in the water. ( )Ahave some breadBfly a kiteCswim12 . It is yellow, it is sour. It is . ( )AbananaBlemonCorange13 . How tall are you? _AI am not tall.BI am 1.67 metres.CI am 14 years old.二、情景交际14 . 天色已晚,你要和朋友告别,应该说:( )AHow are you? BGoodbye. CHow is Amy?三、任务型阅读阅读短文,根据所提供的信息判断句子正误,正确写“”,错误写“”。I go shopping with my mother on Sunday. I carry the shopping basket for my mother. The basket is empty. Its very light. My mother buys some bread, some meat, some bottles of milk and some vegetables in the shop. Now the shopping basket is full. It is heavy. I put the basket on the floor. “I cant carry it now, mum.”“Its about five kilos. I think you can carry it.” says my mother.“Im thirsty. I want to drink something,” I say to my mother. She buys a bottle of orange juice for me. “Mum, I think you can buy me five apples.” I say. My mum looks at the basket and asks, “Where can I put them?”“I can put two apples in my left pocket and two in my right pocket.” And where can you put the last one?” asks my mum. “I can put it here.” I put my hand on my stomach.15 . My mum and I go shopping on Saturday. (_)16 . I carry the shopping basket for mum. (_)17 . My mum thinks I cant carry the shopping basket because it is too heavy. (_)18 . We buy some vegetables in the shop. (_)19 . I really want to eat some apples. (_)阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。I have a new schoolbag. Its red. I have a maths book, three English books, a Chinese book, two keys, four toys and some candies in it. Wheres my pencil box? Ah! Its under my schoolbag. Now everything is in my schoolbag. Its heavy, but I like my schoolbag.20 . I have a new schoolbag. (_)21 . My schoolbag is blue and red. (_)22 . I have three storybooks in my schoolbag. (_)23 . Some candies and two keys are in my schoolbag. (_)24 . My pencil box is on my schoolbag. (_)25 . 判断下面的句子是(T)否(F)与短文的意思相同。The sun, the moon and the stars are all in the sky. We see the sun in the day. We see the moon and the stars at night. The sun is a ball. It is bigger than the moon. The sun has a family. It is the biggest in the family. The moon is a ball, too. It is much smaller than the sun. It is smaller than the stars. The light on the moon comes from the sun. The stars look smaller than the sun and the moon. But most of the stars are bigger than the sun. They are very far away from us, so they look small. All day the stars are in the sky. But the light from the sun is too bright. We cannot see the stars in the day.【小题1】We can see the moon and the stars in the day. (_)【小题2】The moon is smaller than the sun. (_)【小题3】The light on the moon comes from the stars. (_)【小题4】The stars are very far away from the people. (_)【小题5】Most of the stars are smaller than the sun. (_)四、填内容补全对话26 . 补全对话,每空一词。Good afternoon, Tina.Good 1._, Tom.2._ are you today?I feel sick.What did you eat this morning?I 3._ some ice cream, chocolate and cheese.Did you drink anything?Yes, I 4._ some cola and juice. I feel very bad now. Im going to the 5._ and see the doctor.Let me go with you!五、书面表达27 . 牛刀小试。以“Our School”为题,写一篇短文,介绍学校的班级、校内设施等。要求语句通顺,人称正确,40个单词左右。_第 5 页 共 5 页

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