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哈尔滨市2019-2020年度五年级上册期末综合模拟测试英语试卷(一)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题补全单词。1 . w _ _ _ ( )AoerBearCrae2 . g _ _ _ ( )AuneBaemCame3 . ans _ _ _ ( )AreaBwerCwar4 . heal _ _ _ ( )AtheBtyhCthy5 . af _ _ _ ( )AtarBterCtor6 . of _ _ _ ( )AtenBtonCtem7 . _ _ _ ute ( )AnimBminCmea8 . an _ _ _ ( )AgreBraiCgry9 . vi _ _ _ ( )AsitBsetCsat10 . cle _ _ _ ( )AvorBverCvar11 . What will you do for your father? ( )_AIll make a card.BGo swimming.CGreat!选择正确的字母组合补全单词,把答案的字母编号写在括号里12 . dict_ary( )AoinBionCeon13 . stud_( )AiedByedCyied14 . sc_ce ( )AinBeinCien15 . af_oon( )AterBternCten16 . clean_( )AerBorCeer17 . r_1_ ( )Au; eBe; uCu; I18 . Teachers Day is _.( )AOctober the firstBSeptember the tenthCMay the first找出下列单词中不同类的一项。19 . ApurpleBmouseCblue20 . AhamsterBschoolbagCBook21 . AtwelveBoneCgreen22 . AfishBfiveCmouse23 . ArabbitBmouseCpencil24 . AyellowBthirtyCblue25 . Shes my fathers mother. Shes my _.( )AgrandfatherBgrandmotherCaunt看图,选择相应的单词。26 . ( )AteacherBstudent27 . ( )ACanadaBChina28 . ( )ApandaBbear29 . ( )AboyBgirl30 . ( )AUSABAustralia31 . He was _ to see his old friends on the street. ( )AsurprisingBsurprisedCsurprise32 . When is Tree Planting Day?( )Its on.AMarch 12thBSeptember 10thCDecember 25th二、完形填空完形填空The Browns are_their new home. Everything is in a mess. They are_up. The living room is big and nice. There_three bedrooms. Sally likes_. There are many books on her shelf (架子). Peter puts his football under his bed. He_be a football player in the future.33 . AunderBonCatDin34 . AtidyBtidiesCtidyingDtired35 . AisBareCwillDbe36 . AreadBreadingCreadsDto reading37 . AwillBwill wantCwantDwant to三、单词拼写38 . 根据首字母提示,完成句子:He likes play basketball in the p_.四、任务型阅读39 . 阅读理解Therere many mice(老鼠)in the house. The man of the house gets a cat. The cat eats many mice. Then the oldest mouse says, “All the mice must come to my room and we will think what we can do about this cat.” All the mice come. Many mice speak, but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says,“We must put a bell(铃铛)on the cat. Then when the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away and hide(藏)。So the cat will not catch any more mice.”Then the old mouse asks,“Who will put the bell on the cat?” No mouse can answer.根据文章内容判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. The cat kills a lot of old mice.( )2. The oldest mouse asks all the mice to come to his room.( )3. All the mice comes, but no one knows what to do.( )4. The old will put the bell on the cat.( )5. The passage tells us to say things is easier than to do them阅读短文,判断正误。(正确的写“”,错误的写“”)Hello. Im Fangfang. I have got two good friends. One is Xiaoyong, the other is Xiaodong. Xiaoyong is a good boy. He is very clever, but he is a bit quiet. He can make beautiful e-cards. Xiaodong is very loud. He is very naughty. He likes playing football very much, he can play it well.40 . Fangfang has got three good friends. (_)41 . Xiaoyong is clever. (_)42 . Xiaoyong can make beautiful e-cards. (_)43 . Xiaodong is very quiet. (_)44 . Xiaodong is good at football. (_)五、英译汉45 . 翻译句子(不会写的用拼音代替)【小题1】How many monsters can you see?【小题2】How many green birds under the tree?【小题3】There are seven black and yellow tigers.六、选内容补全对话Read and choose.从方框中选择恰当的句子填在横线上,使对话完整。A. What colour? B. How much is it? C. Yes, please.D. Ill take it. E. What size?A: Can I help you?B: 46 . . I want a T-shirt for my son.A: 47 . B: Size M.A: 48 . B: Blue.A: How about this one?B: Its all right. 49 . A: Its fifty yuan.B: OK. 50 . 七、书面表达51 . 书面表达。假如你是Daming, 你在美国的表哥Simon想利用暑假来中国北京游玩,请写一封信介绍一下北京。_第 7 页 共 7 页

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