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呼和浩特市2020年(春秋版)六年级上册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _you _any bread? ( )AHave; gotBHas; gotCHad; got2 . It is important _ English well. ( )AlearnBto learnClearning3 . Please _the door! ( )AstandBopenCsit4 . She _ shy.AisBamCare5 . Simon has got some chopsticks, _ they are difficult to use. ( )AandBbutCor6 . Yangyangsome photos from the USA.A. has gotAhavent gotBhave get7 . My grandma was a driver before. She_ a bus. ( )AdriveBdrivesCdrove8 . PeterTV too often. ( )AwatchingBwatchesCwatch9 . I didnt see you in school _Monday. ( )AinBonCat10 . I often get_late. ( )AupBon11 . I want to _a dancer.AIsBbeCam12 . Look. They are angry. ( )_.AIm sorryBHa, haCIm happy13 . The grandparents are very happy _ the children. ( )AseeingBto seeCsees14 . Ive got a grandmother. _ is old. ( )AHeBShe15 . His wife told him _ some apples. ( )AfindBfoundCto find二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。My name is Yang Ling. My English teacher is Mary. She is from Britain. She has two children, a son and a daughter. Her daughter is Jane. He son is Tim. Mary and her daughter are in China, but her husband Jack Smith is in Britain. Her son is in Canada. Jack is a policeman. Tim is a college student. Jane and I are in the same school. We are classmates, and we are good friends. I teach her Chinese and she teaches me English.16 . Mary and Jack are Janes . ( )AteachersBstudentsCparents17 . Tims is my good friend. ( )AfatherBmotherCsister18 . Tim and Jane are . ( )Asisters and brothersBbrother and sisterCsister and brothers19 . Janes father is a in Britain. ( )AdoctorBpolicemanCteacher20 . Jacks wife is a in China. ( )AteacherBworkerChousewife三、填空题根据提示完成单词或词组。21 . What did you do _(上个月)?22 . It was too cold and I couldnt _(骑自行车).23 . _(在那时),there were no computers.24 . I _ it _ (查阅) on the Internet yesterday.25 . There were no cinemas _(20年前).根据图片选择合适的单词补全句子。China student hands teacher Canada26 . Shes a new _.27 . Mr White is my new _.28 . The girl is from _.29 . I have two _. 30 . Im from _ .四、任务型阅读31 . 阅读对话,判断正误。Jack: Excuse me. Im lost. Can you help me, please?Policeman: Yes, of course.Jack: Wheres the park?Policeman: The park? You can go straight on, and then turn left. The park is near the supermarket.Jack: Thank you.Policeman: Youre welcome.【小题1】Jack is lost.(_)【小题2】The policeman helps Jack.(_)【小题3】Jack wants to go to the zoo.(_)【小题4】Jack can go straight on, and then turn left.(_)【小题5】The park is near the school.(_)五、选内容补全对话32 . 补全对话。AWhat else (其他的) did you have? BI have got a stomachache.CDid you have any sausages?DEating too much is bad for you.EWhat did you have for breakfast this morning?A: You dont look well today. Whats wrong with you?B: En. (1) _A: Im sorry to hear that. By the way, (2) _B: I had some bread and milk for breakfast?A: (3) _B: No, I didnt. But I had one egg.A: Well, what did you have for dinner yesterday evening?B: Let me see. I had three sandwiches, some fish and chips and two apples.A: (4) _B: Well, I had four colas. Oh! After that, I had four ice creams.A: Thats it. You ate too much. (5) _B: Youre right. I wont do that again.短文选词填空。too our isnt old doesnt Mr with from paint very student friend33 . art teacher is34 . Ma. Hes35 . Canada. He36 . tall, but hes strong. Hes37 . funny. His class is so much fun.We can38 . in his class. Hes our39 . . He often plays40 . us. He41 . like Chinese food. But he likes Chinese. He likes China,42 . 六、看图题43 . 看图写单词。(1)a _(2)a _(3)a _(4)a _(5)a _七、书面表达44 . Write. (写作。)暑假就要到了,你一定有许多事情要做吧,请以“My Summer Holiday”为题用58句话介绍你的假期计划与打算。开头已经写好。My Summer HolidayThe summer holiday is coming. Here is a plan(计划) for my summer holiday. First,八、其他按实际情况回答问题。45 . Whats your fathers hobby?_46 . Does your mother often watch TV in the evening?_47 . What do you think of Guangdong dimsum?_48 . What do you usually have for breakfast?_第 7 页 共 7 页

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