呼和浩特市2019年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷(I)卷

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呼和浩特市2019年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷(I)卷_第1页
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呼和浩特市2019年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷(I)卷_第3页
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呼和浩特市2019年英语六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -_did the men catch the lion? ( )-In the forest.AHowBWhatCWhere2 . -Where _ you six days ago? ( )-I _ in Taipei.Aare, amBwere, wasCwere, were3 . 选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(_)1.A. fish B. like C. driver(_)2.A. you B. my C. your (_)3.A. and B. name C. am(_)4.A. where B. what C. who(_)5.A. from B. come C. dog4 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AcheeseBwaterCmilk5 . ( ) A cow is _ bigger than a mouse.AmuchBmoreCmanyDmost6 . Look! Daming is _ a snowman outside. ( )AmakeBmadeCmaking7 . I go to Suzhou _. ( )Aby a metroBby a planeCby metro8 . Last Sunday, I _a little cat.( )Alet; goingBletting; goClet; go9 . How old _ your brother, Tina? ( ) _ three.Aare; HesBis; ShesCis; Hes10 . Its a quarter_ eight. Its time for breakfast.AforBatCtoD/11 . -What _ you do last night? ( )-I _ a film.Ado, seeBdid, sawCdid, see二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最恰当的答案,并将序号填入题前括号内。Last Saturday,a monkey,a tiger and an elephant had a raceThe monkey said,“Lets run to that tall tree and see who gets there first”They started to runIt was a long wayAt first the tiger ran faster than the elephant and the monkeyThe elephant ran as fast as the monkeyBut soon the elephant was tiredHe asked the monkey to have a restThe monkey said,“Its not very farIts about one kilometre awayCome onplease”But suddenly the elephant got a bad cough. The tiger turned back and laughed at him. At last the monkey got firstThe tiger could not laugh again12 . There areanimals in the story( )A. one B. two C. three13 . Theylast Saturday( )A. have a race B. had a running race C. had a chat14 . ran faster than the other animals at first( )A. The monkey B. The tiger C. The elephant15 . The elephant( )A. got a cold B. got a bad cough C. got a fever16 . got first at last( )A. The monkey B. The tiger C. The elephant三、完形填空完形填空。A dog has a _piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking _a small bridge, he looks down and sees himself(他自己) in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has _a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself “ I want _his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat.” He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water, and his meat falls _water.17 . A. big B. large C. little18 . A. by B. for C. on19 . A. too B. also C. either20 . A. gets B. get C. to get21 . A. into B. in C. to四、填空题22 . 写出下列单词的适当形式。(1)happy (副词) _(2)sad (副词)_(3)quiet (副词)_(4) bite (过去式)_ (5)say(过去式)_ (6)let(过去式)_(7)wake (过去式)_(8)catch过去式)_23 . Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the words .(用所给单词的适当形式填空。)1.There _(be)no tree in the village before.2.The American _(take) about five days to get there in 1969.3.How _(do)you go there in 2011?4.There _(be) no computers 5 years ago.5.Did you _(go)to Beijing last year?五、任务型阅读阅读短文完成句子,每空一词。One day, some monkeys were playing in a tree near a lake. They had a good time.Suddenly a little monkey cried, “Look, the moon has dropped into the water!” “Get it out, hurry!” said an old monkey.The little monkey hung(吊,挂) from the tree by his tail. Then each monkey hung from the other by his tail.At last they got to the water, but still they couldnt scoop up(捞起) the moon. Another little monkey found half a gourd(葫芦) to scoop up the moon. Aha! He got the moon in the gourd.At that time all the monkeys came for the moon. But the gourd dropped(落下) and the moon was broken. Th monkeys were very sorry. But when they looked up, they found the moon was still high up in the sky, shining brightly(明亮地).24 . Some monkeys were playing _.25 . A _monkey saw the moon had dropped into the water.26 . The monkeys hung from the tree by their _.27 . All the monkeys came _the moon.28 . The moon was still high up in the _.六、汉译英根据汉语提示完成句子。29 . 就在那时,狮子笑得很大声。Just then, the lion _.30 . 昨天我们用一个网捉住了一只小鸟。We _ a bird _ the net yesterday.31 . 请帮助老人从车里出来。Please help the old man _ from the car.32 . 他是一个开心的男孩。他正开心地笑着。He is a _ boy. He is laughing _.33 . 他很快弄来一些水,并把它倒入了洞里。He brings some water _ and _ it into the hole.七、英汉混合短语翻译。34 . 在晚饭前_35 . brush his teeth _36 . 跑得非常快_37 . a lot of books and toys _38 . 听老师讲_39 . finish his homework early _40 . 在早上_41 . help his parents _42 . 早起_43 . gointo_八、判断题44 . 我是小法官,判断下列翻译是(T)否(F)正确。(_) 1. 那个女孩看起来像你。That boy looks like you.(_) 2. 我们是兄妹俩。We are sister and brother.(_) 3. 你叫什么名字。Whats your name?(_) 4. 你多大了?How are you?(_) 5. 他是我的小弟弟。He is my little brother.(_) 6. 那是一只猫吗? It is a cat.九、句型转换按要求改写句子。45 . She is good at playing the piano.(同义句转换)She _ playing the piano.46 . My father gave me a present yesterday.(同义句转换)My father gave a present _ yesterday.47 . Miss Li took him to the office.(改为否定句)Miss Li _ him to the office.48 . Sam brought some water quickly just now.(改为一般疑问句)_ Sam _ water quickly just now?49 . My mother saw a little mouse in the kitchen in the morning.(对画线部分提问)_ your mother _ in the kitchen in the morning?十、填内容补全对话完成短文。The mouse was 50 . and weak. The lion was 51 . and 52 . one day, two 53 . 54 . the 55 . with a big 56 . . The mouse 57 . a big hole in the net with his 58 . . The lion 59 . out. From 60 . on, they 61 . 62 . .63 . 根据答句写出问句。【小题1】A: _B : The bus stop is next to the cinema.【小题2】A: _B: No, I am taller than you.【小题3】A: _B: I had a toothache.【小题4】A: _B: Were going to Beijing by plane.【小题5】A: _B: The apples are 20 yuan.十一、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. What was it about? B. Do lions eat rabbits? C. How was it? D. Yes, thats right. E. Does he often tell you stories? F. What does he do? G. When did you visit your uncle? A: Do you know who the man is over there? B: Oh, he is my uncle. A: Your uncle? 64 . B: He is a teacher. He teaches in a primary school and is good at telling stories. A: Really? 65 . B: Yes, he does. Last night he told me one.A: 66 . B: ErIt was very interesting. A: 67 . B: It was about a rabbit and a lion.A: A rabbit and a lion? Lions eat rabbits for food, dont they?B: 68 . But the rabbit in the story was very clever and the lion could find no way to eat it.十二、书面表达69 . 请任选一图,根据图示创编对话或写语段。(请在括号内标出所选图号)( )( )第 9 页 共 9 页

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