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南京市2020版六年级上册期末测试英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What a cake? ( )No, thanks.AaboutBforCin2 . Please put the books in the _.( )AcupboardBshelfCchair3 . Daming can draw well. He _ Art. ( )Ais worried aboutBis angry withCis good at4 . I like _ and _. ( )Adanceing; swimmingBdancing; swimingCdancing; swimming5 . There a school sports meet next month. ( )Awill beBis going to haveCare going to be6 . It me thirty minutes to get to school yesterday. ( )AtookBtakesCtake7 . Look _ your face. ( )AofBatCto8 . Here it ! ( )AisBareCam9 . Look, the bee can _.( )AwriteBreadCfly10 . 选出与划线部分不同类的一项:I sometimes do sports in the park. ( )Asinging contestBgo for a walkCgo swimming二、阅读选择阅读理解We have a lot of(许多)toys. I have a bear. It is black. My brother has(有)a panda. Its white and black. My sister has an elephant. It has big ears and a long nose. Tom has a monkey. Its brown. Toms sister has a doll. It cant dance, but it can sing. Toms brother has six dogs. They can jump and run. We all like our toys.11 . The bear is _.( )Awhite and blackBblackCbrown12 . The elephant has _.( )Abig eyes and a long noseBsmall ears and a long noseCbig ears and a long nose13 . The doll can _.( )AdanceBjump and runCsing14 . _ likes dogs very much. ( )ATomBToms sisterCToms brother15 . We have _ toys. ( )AtenBelevenCtwelve三、填空题用所给词的正确形式填空。16 . I want _ (buy) a book.17 . She can _ (wash) her clothes.18 . Lets _ (go) to school together.19 . Amy _ (have) GPS. What about you?20 . There are two _ (library) in my city.四、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。Tomorrow is Susans birthday. She is going to have a birthday party at her house.Her mother is going to buy a birthday cake for her. We are going to buy some gifts for Susan. I am going to bring some fruit from my home. Ted is going to buy some balloons. The party is going to begin at ten oclock in the morning. We are going to sing and dance. And we are going to play with Susans toys together. I think we are going to have a wonderful birthday party.21 . Tomorrow is Susans birthday. (_)22 . Susans mother is going to make a birthday cake for her. (_)23 . Ted is going to buys some balloons. (_)24 . The party is going to end at ten oclock in the morning. (_)25 . We are going to play with Susans toys together. (_)五、英汉混合26 . 英汉互译。1. 多长_2. 在夜晚_3. make peace_4. the Spring Festival_5. member state_六、判断题判断划线部分发音是否相同, 相同用“T”表示, 不同用“F”表示。27 . dressdream(_)28 . blue do(_)29 . cake plant(_)30 . desk many(_)31 . fine family(_)32 . pupil duck(_)七、改错改错。找出下列句子中错误的一项,将其代码填写在括号内,并将正确答案填写在题后的横线上33 . Jim isplayingthe chess.(_)_A B C34 . Amy cansinging a song.(_)_A B C35 . Can you go to buy aneggs?(_)_A B C36 . There issomesheep in the photo.(_)_A B C37 . How manyis the fruit?(_)_A B C八、书面表达38 . 书面表达。树林有很多用途,你都知道哪些呢?请写一写。(不少于5名话)第 5 页 共 5 页

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