南京市2020年英语三年级上册 Module 2单元测试卷(I)卷

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南京市2020年英语三年级上册 Module 2单元测试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AsixtyBhalfCseventy2 . Good morning, Chen Jie. ( ) _ANice to see you.BHow are you?CGood morning, Sarah.3 . 我们将坐公交车去动物园。( )AWell go to the zoo by plane.BWell go to the zoo by bus.4 . ? ( )Id like a pie.AWould you like a pieBWhat would you likeCDo you like pies5 . 根据给出的图片,选择正确的选项填入括号内。( )1.Whats the weather like in Sydney?A.Its hot and sunny.B.Its cool and rainy.( )2.Whats the weather like in Singapore? A.Its cold and rainy. B.Its warm and cloudy.( )3.Whats the weather like in Moscow?A.Its cold and snowy. B.Its cool and windy.6 . 我非常喜欢它。( )AI like it.BI like it very much.7 . - Hi, Im Linda! ( )- _.AIm tenBHi, Im KateCIm here (这儿)8 . _( ) Id like a fruit cake.AWhat do you do?BWhat kind of cake would you like?CWould you like a cake?9 . It _ super. ( )AareBisCam给下列句子选择相应的英文表达。10 . 这些是西红柿吗? ( )AArethesepotatoes?BAretheytomatoes?CArethesetomatoes?11 . 这些是什么? ( )AWhatarethese?BWhatarethose?CWhatarethey?12 . 它是土豆。 ( )ATheyarepotatoes.BYes,theyare.CItsapotato.13 . 豆角是如此长。 ( )AThegreenbeansaresoshort.BThegreenbeansaresobig.CThegreenbeansaresolong.二、情景交际14 . 你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,跟他说“见到你很高兴”,你应这样说:( )ANice to meet you.BGood afternoon.15 . 当你的妈妈对你说晚安时,你应该说:( )AGoodmorning.BGoodnight.16 . 当你向别人介绍埃米时,可以说:_ ( )AThis is Amy.BIm Amy!CAre you Amy?17 . 与别人道别时,我们应该说: ( )AHello!BSee you .三、填空题18 . 选词填空whose who where what when1._book is this ?2._did you buy in America ?3._did you go ?4._did you meet in the park ?5._did you come back ?四、英译汉19 . 翻译下列单词。1. Monday _2. Thursday _3. Saturday _ 4. Tuesday _5. Friday _6. Wednesday _7. Sunday _8. next week _9. tomorrow _10. this afternoon _五、判断题判断下列问句贺答语是(T)否(F)相匹配。20 . -Look at my new cap. - How nice! (_)21 . -What color is it? -This is my jacket. (_)22 . -This is my brother, Tim. - Goodbye. (_)23 . -Are you Bobby? -Yes, I am. (_)24 . - Goodbye, Mike. -Hello, Amy. (_)25 . 将正确的对话打上“T”,答非所问的对话打上“F”。(_) 1. -Whats your name? - I see red. (_) 2. - Goodbye! - Bye!(_) 3. -What is this? - That is an orange.(_) 4. -How are you? - Im ten years old. (_) 5. -What colour is it? - Its yellow.26 . 读句子,判断对错,对的画“”错的画“”。(_) 1. I tall is.(_) 2. Nice too meet you.(_) 3. Who is he?(_) 4. What he like?(_) 5. We have an new classmate.根据图片内容判断对话的正(T)误(F)。27 . (_)What are you going to do?Im going to play football.28 . (_)What does she like?She likes doing word puzzles very much.29 . (_)How do they feel?They feel very angry.30 . (_)Whats your mum doing?My mum is doing sports.31 . (_)What does the man do? He is a fisherman.32 . Read and write “T” or “F”: Nice to meet you. (_)六、选内容补全对话补全对话A. My favourite season is summer.B. I can swim in the water, too.C.Why do you like summer?D. Lets swim together next time.E. Which season do you like best?A: Hi, Amy.33 . B: I like winter best. What about you, Kate?A: Winter is good, but its too cold for me.34 . B:35 . A: Because I can eat ice cream.36 . B: I like swimming very much.37 . A: OK.七、连线题38 . 问句答语连一连。1. Whos that man? a. He is my father.2. Is she your teacher? b. Hes from the UK.3. Where is he from? c. Yes, she is.4. Who is that woman? d. Three.5. How many birds? e. She is my mother.第 7 页 共 7 页

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