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内蒙古自治区2019年六年级上册期中检测英语试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . is the matter ,Lucy ?AWhereBWhatCHowDWhen2 . Her father works _ a factory.AonBofCin3 . Whatyour aunt do?AdoesBisCare4 . 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1AbehindBunderCgo(_)2AshoeBredCsock(_)3AEnglishBthe USACChina(_)4AyellowBappleCpear(_)5AtigerBbikeCelephant5 . How _ is your little brother? ( ) Only two.AmuchBoldCmany6 . _ there a cat under the desk? ( )No, there _.AIs; isBAre; areCIs; isnt7 . His brother _ lots of stamps and he likes collecting stamps. ( )AhaveBhave gotChas got选出发音不同一项。8 . AbirdBshirtChorse9 . AsubjectBusuallyCmusic10 . AfoodBzooCgood11 . AcuteBblueCstudent12 . AfindBsingCgive13 . I am _ Shandong. ( )AofBtoCfrom14 . Sit on the sofa. ( )A坐在书房里。B坐在沙发上。15 . David goes to schoolevery day. ( )Aby a bikeBby his bikeCon his bikeDon bike二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Look at this picture. Its so beautiful. The sky is blue. There are white clouds(云)and many birds in the sky. There is a river in the village. There are many fish in the river. There are many pretty flowers beside the river. Oh, there are some butterflies(蝴蝶)on the flowers. Behind the village, there are high mountains.16 . There are in the sky. ( )Awhite clouds and butterfliesBbirds and butterfliesCwhite clouds and birds17 . There is a in the village. ( )AlakeBriverCforest18 . Are there any fish in the river? ( )AYes, there are.BNo, there arent.CThere are some fish.19 . Where are the flowers? ( )AIn the mountains.BBeside the river.CIn the river.20 . Where are the mountains? ( )ABehind the village.BNear the river.CBeside the river.读短文。根据内容选择正确的答案Shenzhou IX flew into space with two men and one woman on June 16th, 2012. On June 29th, Shenzhou IX returned to the earth and all three taikonauts were good.The woman taikonaut is Liu Yang. She was born in 1978 in Henan Province(省). In 1997, she joined the army and became a pilot(飞行员). In 2010, She became one of the taikonauts. And she was the first woman taikonaut in China.Two men taikonauts are Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang. Jing Haipeng was born in 1966 in Shanxi Province. He joined the army in 1985. Liu Wang was born in 1969 in Shanxi Province. He joined the army in 1988.They are all great taikonauts. And we are proud of them.21 . Shenzhou IX spent about_ days in space. ( )A30B13C1622 . Shenzhou IX flew into space with _ men and one woman. ( )AtwoBfourCthree23 . Liu Yang was the _ woman taikonaut in China. ( )AlastBthirdCfirst24 . Jing Haipeng was born in_.( )A1966B1978C196825 . Liu Wang_ in 1988. ( )Abecame a pilotBbecame a taikonautCjoined the army三、填空题26 . 单词归类,将单词填入横线上。daughter, blue, hot, toe, playing, ten, six, body, sister, red, cold, singing1. 颜色类:_2. 人体部位:_3. 家庭成员:_4. 数字:_5. 气候:_6. 动作:_用所给单词的适当形式填空。27 . How many _ (tomato) are there in the basket? Four.28 . There _ (not be) any milk in the cup.29 . Look, Jim with his friends _ (eat) fruit over there.30 . Its six oclock. The Greens _ (have) dinner at home.31 . Do you want _ (play) games with me this Sunday?四、单词拼写32 . 将字母重新排列成正确的单词(1)(2)(3)(4)(1) _(2) _(3) _ (4) _五、汉译英33 . 写出下列词语的英文表达1.出生_2.学骑自行车_3.学唱歌_4.学做饭_5.学画画_六、句型转换34 . 按要求完成下列句子。1. they, English, yesterday, had, class, morning(.)(连词成句)2. There was no water and air.(翻译句子)3. 他们昨天在家里。(汉译英)4. Where were you last week?(用on Mars回答)5. was, Ann, a, spaceship, in(.)(连词成句)七、选内容补全对话35 . Read and choose. 选择正确的句子补全对话。(只写序号,有一项多余)AI hope you will feel better soon.BI watched TV with my friends.CHow was your weekend?DNo, I didnt.EIm happy you feel better now.FI had a cold.Mike: 1. _John: It was great.Mike: What did you do, John?John: 2. _Then I went to bookstore and bought a new film magazine.Mike: Did you watch TV with Tom?John: 3. _I watched TV with Amy.Mike: What did you do, Tom?Tom: 4. _I stayed at home.Mike: Oh, Im sorry. 5. _Tom: Thank you.八、书面表达36 . 观察表格信息,帮助Yifan写一张note给Robin 吧Dear_,_Thank you._.第 7 页 共 7 页

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