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兰州市2020年六年级下册期中检测英语试卷(二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . There are twelve _ in a year. ( )AmonthBmonthsCdays2 . I never _ up early in the morning. ( )AgetBgetsCgot3 . Please wait for the _ light. Its safe.( )AgreenBred4 . The actors _ lots of jokes last Sunday. ( )AtoldBtellCtells5 . My father is _ than my grandpa.AolderByoungerCsmaller6 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AtodayBtomorrowCyesterdayDhot7 . - Jim, dont make noise in class.- _AIts right.BI know that.CSorry. I wont do it again.8 . Lily and her mother their cat in the street. But they didnt it. ( )Alooked for; findBfound; look forCfound; looked forDlooked for; found9 . A: I have_ storybooks. ( )Alot ofBa lots ofClots ofDa lot10 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AhotBwarmCwindyDcool二、填空题11 . 按要求写单词1. can (否定形式) _2. fly (单三式) _3. to (同音词) _4. happy (反义词) _5. her (人称代词主格) _三、任务型阅读Readandjudge(阅读短文,用T或F判断对错):MissLinisanewteacher.Shesthin.Shelikeslemonsverymuch.Shehassomegoodfriends:Nancy,Mike,LilyandWangDong.Theyreherstudents.Nancyhasblueeyesandyellowhair.Mikeistallandthin.Lilylikesoranges.MissLinlikesoranges,too.AndWangDongisaChineseboy,helikeswatermelons.12 . MissLinlikeslemons.(_)13 . WangDongisanEnglishstudent.(_)14 . MissLinisanewstudent.Shesthin.(_)15 . WangDonglikesoranges,too.(_)四、选内容补全对话16 . Read and choose读一读,选择合适的句子,完成对话。AWhat will you be in the future?BWhere will I live?CIs the machine fun?DI will be tall too.E. Im good at singing.John and Lucy want to know about their future, so they stand on a magic machine. They take photos and they are talking about the photos now.John: Look, Lucy! I will be tall and handsome.Lucy: Yes, John. 1. _ I wont have long hair. I will have short hair.John: But I will have long hair.Lucy: 2. _John: I will be a singer!Lucy: Oh, funny! You like singing, dont you?John: Yes! 3. _What will you be in the future?Lucy: I will be a doctor and I will live in ShanghaiJohn: You will live in Shanghai? 4. _Lucy: Let me have a look. Oh, youll live in Shanghai too!John: Thats good! We can play together at the weekend!Lucy: Yes. 5. _John: Yes, its so fun! I love my future.Lucy: Me too! I love my future too!选择合适的句子补全对话。A. What are you doing now?B. What did you do yesterday?C. How are you?D. What happened?E. Did you have fun?A: Hello. 17 . B: Hi! Im fine. Thank you.A: 18 . B: I went to a park.A: 19 . B: No. I hurt my leg.A: 20 . B: I wanted to fly a kite, but I fell down and hurt my leg.A: I am sorry to hear that. 21 . B: I am staying in my bed.五、匹配题22 . Read and choose.( 选择与句子相符的图片字母。)ABCDE(_)1. It has a small head and long legs.(_)2. Boys and girls, we have two new friends today. (_)3. This is my grandmother.(_)4. Big, big, big! Make your eyes big.(_)5. Hi, Im Amy. Im from the UK.六、书面表达23 . 请以 How to stay healthy?为题,写一篇小短文。要求:1.表达你对保持健康的几个建议或观点(可以从作息、饮食、锻炼、心情等方面去描述。提示词:First, Second, Third, Finally)。2.语句通顺,书写规范,少于5句话(40词)。_第 6 页 共 6 页

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