黑龙江省2020年英语三年级上册Module 4 Unit 2 What can you see 练习卷(II)卷

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黑龙江省2020年英语三年级上册Module 4 Unit 2 What can you see 练习卷(II)卷_第1页
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黑龙江省2020年英语三年级上册Module 4 Unit 2 What can you see 练习卷(II)卷_第2页
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黑龙江省2020年英语三年级上册Module 4 Unit 2 What can you see 练习卷(II)卷_第3页
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黑龙江省2020年英语三年级上册Module 4 Unit 2 What can you see 练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、情景交际1 . “Do you like the fish?如果你喜欢鱼,应说:( )AYes, I do.BNo, It ugly.2 . 如果你想说“你认识她吗?”应该说:_ADo you like her?BDo you know him?CDo you know her?3 . 商店的服务员看到你买东西时,应该说:( )AWhat do you want?BWhat size?CCan I help you?4 . 当你看到一张男孩的照片,想知道他是不是Zhang Hua的弟弟时,你应该问Zhang Hua:( )AIs he your father?BIs he your brother?二、填空题5 . 填写适当的介词。1. What can you see_(在) the picture? 2. I have a map_(的)my town. 3. There are some ducks_(在.上) the river. 4. I can see my stars_night. (在)5. I can see white clouds_the sky. (在)6 . Is it _ your chair? Yes, thank you!7 . 从括号中选择合适的单词填空,完成句子。1My hands are _ (clean/dirty). I need to wash my hands.2Its twelve oclock. Whats for _ (breakfast/lunch)?3Li Ming _ (need/needs) to eat some vegetables.4The dinner _ (look/looks) so good.5May I _ (help/helping) you?8 . 根据对话,画出对话中所提到的物品。1. Can I help you?Pass me a fork.2. What would you like for lunch?Fish, please.3. I can use the knife. Let me show you.Great.4. Can you pass me a spoon ?Sure, here you are.9 . She can _(dance).三、单词拼写10 . 将单词补充完整1. sh_ _p(绵羊)2. hor_e (马)3. d_ _k (鸭子)4. c_w (牛)5. man_ (多少)6. thr_ _ (三)11 . 根据首字母及汉语提示写单词:I can run f _(快).12 . 根据汉语填空。1. _(什么)can you see?2. I can see a_(大山).3. I can see a _ (江).4. I can see some _(星星).5. I can see some_(云).13 . 按要求写单词。1. eat(过去分词)2. quick (副词)3. have(现在分词)4. care(形容词)5. Saturday(缩写)6. be careful(英译汉)7.另一个的(汉译英)8. made(原形)四、任务型阅读阅读下面的表格,将句子补充完整。draw a picturerun fastjump fardanceLinglingDamingAmySamTom14 . Lingling can _. But she cant _.15 . Daming can _. But he cant _.16 . Amy can _. But she cant _.17 . Sam can _. But he cant _.18 . Tom can _. But he cant _.第 4 页 共 4 页

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