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陕西省2020年英语三年级上册Module7单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . This is _ classroom.AIBmyCyou2 . ( ) My best friends Sam and Amy _ going back to the UK.AisBareChas3 . Has she gotorange?AanBaCthe4 . What day is it today? ( ) AFridayBBirthday5 . 选出不同类的单词,把正确答案的序号填在括号内。(_) 1. A. floor B. ruler C. window (_) 2. A. door B. strong C. quiet (_) 3. A. nurse B. farmer C. toy (_) 4. A. key B. beef C. chicken(_) 5. A. bowl B. fork C. tall6 . How many people are there in your family?_ ( )ANo, its me.BThere are four.CThis is my uncle.二、阅读选择阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。Im an English teacher. This is Lingling. She is a pupil. She is five years old. And she has a dog. It is two.7 . Im _.( )Aan English teacherBa pupil8 . Lingling is _.( )Aa teacherBa pupil9 . How old is Lingling?( )AShe is 5.BShe is 6.10 . Lingling has a _ . ( )AcatBdog11 . How old is the dog?( )AOne.BTwo.三、情景交际12 . 你们打算去动物园,你们应该说:( )AWe are going to the zoo.BWe go to the zoo by bus.13 . 表达“它是一只小狗”,应该说:_( )AIts a duck.BIts a dog.14 . 当你想告诉朋友这是你的教室时, 你可以说:_( )AThis is my classroom.BThis is my school.CThat is my classroom.15 . 当你想询问对方那是不是她姐姐时,应说:( )AIs that your brother?BIs that your sister?16 . 你想买一个书包,应该怎样问价钱?( )AHere is the money.BHow much is the pencil?CHow much is the schoolbag?四、填空题17 . 看图,选择合适的内容,补全短文。house Lingling Queens book beautiful Buckingham PalaceHello. Im 1._. Look. This is a 2._about London. This is 3._. Its the 4. _house. This is my 5._. Its small, but its very 6._.五、判断题18 . Read and write(T)or(F):apple (_)六、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的内容, 补全对话。AThank you. BWhats this?CHow are you?DGood morning EIts a chair.A: Good morning, Lingling. B: 19 . , Ms Smart. A: 20 . B: Im fine, thank you. A: 21 . B: Its a desk. A:Whats that?B: 22 . A: Sit down, please, Lingling. B: 23 . 七、匹配题根据所给情景,选择正确的选项。AThis is my favourite shop. BThere are many sweets. CThank you!DThis one is heavy. ELet me help you.24 . 当你想说这个很重时,你会说:_25 . 感谢别人时,你会说:_26 . 你想帮助别人时,你应说:_27 . 你向别人介绍你最喜欢的商店,你会说:_28 . 你看见有很多的糖果时,你会说:_八、连词成句将下列单词按正确顺序排列。29 . my is Where pencil (?)_30 . it under Is desk the (?)_31 . go home Lets (.)_32 . your desk in Put arm the (.)_第 5 页 共 5 页

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