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银川市2019年英语五年级上册期末专项训练:情景交际3(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、排序题1 . 给句子排序,构成完整、逻辑通顺的对话。a. Can I help you?b. Its five dollars.c. I want a hamburger, please.d. How much is it?e. And to drink?f. Can I have a cup of tea?g. Alright, thats a hamburger and a cup of tea._二、选内容补全对话2 . 补全对话。AYes, it has.BSo its easy for me to carry things.CIts big and light.DOne is big and heavy.EHow many have you got?A: Would you like to lend me a traveling bag? Ill go to Sanya next week.B: Of course. Which kind do you like?A: (1) _B: Oh. Ive got to two bags.A: What are they like?B: (2) _ My father bought it for me three years ago.B: Its black. It has got two wheels. (3) _A: What about the other bag?B: Well. (4) _ I bought it last month when I was in Beijing.A: Has it got two wheels?B: (5) _ And its got a cute bear on it.A: OK. I like the second one.3 . 补全对话A. Is he cooking dinner?B. He is washing the dishes.C. Where is my Dad?D. She is in her bedroom.E.What is she doing?Sam: Good afternoon, Mum.Mum: Good afternoon, Sam.Sam: 【小题1】Mum: Hes in the kitchen.Sam: 【小题2】Mum: No, he isnt. 【小题3】Sam: Wheres my sister? Is she in the kitchen, too?Mum: No, she isnt. 【小题4】Sam: 【小题5】Mum: Shes reading a book.情景对话。A. I like playing football, but nobody plays with me.B. I had a cold.C. Will you go with me?D. Where did you go on Childrens Day?E. Were you sick?F. Did you go with me?Tom: Hi, Jack. 4 . Jack: I went to the hospital.Tom: Why?5 . Jack: Yes, I was sick.Tom: What was the matter with you?Jack: I had a headache. 6 . Tom: What a pity! You should do more exercise and keep healthy.Jack: Youre right. 7 . Tom: I joined a football club. 8 . Jack: Sure! Lets go together.从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。AIm hungry.BHere you are.CYoure welcome.DGood morning, Mum.ECan I have some juice, please?Chen Jie: 9 . Mum: Good morning, dear(亲爱的).Chen Jie: 10 . Mum: Have some cake, please.Chen Jie: OK. But Mum, Im thirsty(渴的). 11 . Mum: 12 . Chen Jie: Thank you.Mum: 13 . 第 4 页 共 4 页

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