银川市2019-2020学年英语三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo 单元测试卷(II)卷

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银川市2019-2020学年英语三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo 单元测试卷(II)卷_第1页
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银川市2019-2020学年英语三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo 单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AAmyBboyCgirl二、判断题2 . Look and tick(T) or cross(F).1. The house is to the west of the school. (_)2. The library is to the east of the school. (_)3. The bus stop is to the north of the school.(_)4. The hospital is to the east of the school. (_)三、选内容补全对话Read, choose and write.看图,选词填空,并注意单词首字母的形式。library that this how many in3 . A: Welcome to our school! _ is the teachers office. _ is my classroom.B: _ students are there _ your class?A: Forty-five.4 . A: Do you have a _?B: Yes, we do.四、匹配题选出与相对应的答句。AYes, I did.BYes, it can.CYes, I do.DThats a good idea.EWe went to the Great Wall.FIts cloudy and windy.GBecause I wanted to give you some apples.H.It means we cant litter here.I.Its Friday. J.Rubbish does.5 . How was the weather yesterday?(_)6 . What does the sign mean?(_)7 . Do you like watching fireworks ?(_)8 . What day is today?(_)9 . Can the robot jump or talk?(_)10 . What makes the streets messy and dirty?(_)11 . We can plant more trees to keep the air clean.(_)12 . What did you do for the holiday?(_)13 . Did you pick oranges at the park yesterday?(_)14 . Why did you call me just now?(_)五、看图题15 . 看图,写单词,完成下列句子。1This ball is _.That ball is _. 2This skirt is _. That dress is_. 3This sweater is seventy-nine yuan. Its too _. 第 3 页 共 3 页

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