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郑州市2019-2020年度六年级下册期末测试测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . He did _ work there. ( )Alot ofBa lot ofCa lots of2 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AinBunderCsee3 . ( )AcookBread4 . Your mother looks very_.( )Ayoung and beautifulBold and beautifulCyoung and beautifullyDyoungly and beautiful5 . Does he _ English in the morning? ( )Ais readingBreadCdo readDreads6 . Is that a cherry ,too ?的否定回答是ANo, it isnt.BYes ,she is.CNo, she is.7 . _ is the library? ( )It is here.AWhoBWhereCHow8 . There are _ fish in the river. ( )AlotBmuchCmany9 . I watched TV _ my grandpa. ( )AwithBforCand10 . Hi! I _WuYifan.AisBamCare二、完形填空阅读短文,选择恰当的选项,使文章完整通顺。I went to a concert yesterday. It was Chinese _. My mother and dad played in the _. Dad played the erhu. And Mum played the pipa. At first, people were_. They listened to music. In the end, people _ with the music. All the people were happy.11 . AfoodBmusicCfestival12 . AroomBconcertCgame13 . AquietByoungCangry14 . AranBclappedCjumped三、填空题15 . 选择适当的人称代词填空。1._ (He/I) is my father.2. _ (She/They) are Toms grandparents.3. _ (We/I) am Jims new friend. 4. Look at that white dog. _ (They/It) is my brothers.5. Where are _ (you/he) from?6. Do you like collecting stamps? Yes, _ (you/we) do.7. _ (He/I) am a student at Yuren School.8. _ (You/They) are my brothers English teacher.用所给词的适当形式填空。16 . They _(make) a poster now.17 . Lets _(protect) the Earth.18 . You shouldnt _(smoke) in the library.19 . _(use) too much coal is bad for the environment.20 . We can use lots of _(energy).21 . Last week, an old man _(cut) down a big tree.22 . I usually use the computer _(write) emails.23 . There is not too much _(coal) here.24 . 按要求写词。1.tooth(复数)2.study(三单)3.cook(名词)4.they (宾格)5.slowly(反义词)6.wake(过去式)7.happy(副词)8.brought(动词原形)9. right(同音词)10. plan(现在分词)25 . 补全句子1.He is playing_ violin. 2. Tom plays _ football .3. He often _ ( dance ).4. They are _ ( clap ).5. He _ ( go) to school last Saturday?四、任务型阅读26 . 阅读短文,判断句子与内容是否相符,相符用“T”,不相符用“F”表示。I usually get up at seven oclock. I have a cup of tea and some sandwiches for my breakfast.Then I go to school by bus. I go to school at seven fifteen, and I go home at four oclock in the afternoon.At about six thirty I have dinner, and I watch TV at seven. Its my day.( )1. I get up at seven.( )2. I go to school by bike.( )3. At 7:50 I go to school.( )4. I go home at 4:00 in the afternoon.( )5. I watch TV after dinner(晚饭后).五、英汉混合英汉互译。27 . 试穿_28 . 当然_29 . 多少钱_30 . Heryouare. _31 . tooexpensive_英汉互译。32 . 看一本旅行书_33 . 游览许多地方_34 . 想成为一名旅行者_35 . 乘出租车_36 . 到达英国_37 . be excited about. _38 . go to Australia _39 . travel around the world _40 . talk about _41 . travel plans _六、填内容补全对话42 . 根据首字母填空。One day, Tom w_ fishing by himself. He finally got one. He was very e_. So he r_ home as quickly as he can to t_ his father this e_ piece of n_. He s_ :Daddy, Daddy! I c_ a fish! Come with me! Toms daddy didnt believe it. Tom was sad. But, when they g_ to the bank of the river, there w_ two fish! What a big surprise!七、选内容补全对话选择适当的单词补全短文,将单词写在相应的横线上。on games cook for fun is plan classmates begin togetherMy birthday is 43 . April 18th. That is next Saturday. My parents 44 . to have a birthday party for me. I would like to enjoy the party with my 45 . . The party 46 . going to be at my home. It will 47 . at about 11:00. At the party, my mother is going to 48 . some delicious food 49 . us and all of us are going to eat a birthday cake 50 . . Then, we will play some interesting 51 . . We will have 52 . at the party.八、书面表达53 . 描述你的小宠物,不少于五句话My pet第 6 页 共 6 页

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