贵阳市2020版英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit3 练习卷(II)卷

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贵阳市2020版英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit3 练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I dont wantmy homework. ( )AdoingBto doCdid2 . When you see a fire, go outsideand never. ( )Aquickly, stopBquick, stopCquickly, stops3 . The helicopters _ water on the plants. ( )AdropsBare dropCare dropping4 . When do you go_ school? ( )A/BtoCat5 . My son often goes _ to school after lunch on Sundays. ( )AonBinCback6 . Last Sunday, I _a little cat.( )Alet; goingBletting; goClet; go7 . We shouldnt_. ( )Ause paper bags and glass bottlesBsave waterCwaste water8 . We run long _. ( )AracesBracesCjump9 . Keep. Look at the sign. It means we mustntnoises here. ( )Aquiet, makeBquiet, to makeCquietly, make10 . Yaz htesraw meat, and he wantscooked meat. ( )Aeating, eatBeating, to eatCto eat, eating11 . There _ many chairs and a teachers desk in the room. ( )AareBisC/二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Toby is an eleven-year-old boy. He likes playing computer games. He doesnt like to do his homework. He goes to bed very late every evening. He cant get up early in the morning. He doesnt brush his teeth or wash his face. He doesnt have breakfast, either.On the way to school, he is always in a hurry. He rides his bicycle quickly. He doesnt look at the traffic light. The policeman says, Look out, boy. Its dangerous. Sometimes hes late for school.He is always asleep when he has a lesson. He doesnt listen to the teacher carefully. His voice isnt loud when he reads the book. He always makes a lot of mistakes in his exercise book. His teacher, Miss Wang is very angry with him.12 . Toby cant get up early because he _.( )Agoes to bed earlyBdoes his homework lateCgoes to bed late13 . Toby goes to school _. ( )Aon footBby bikeCby car14 . Toby _ early every day. ( )Agoes to schoolBgets upCdoesnt go to bed15 . Toby is _ when he crosses the road. ( )AcarefulBquietlyCin a hurry16 . Look out. means _. ( )ALook at the policeman.BBe careful.CBe brave.三、填空题17 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Three years ago we _ (begin) to learn English.2. _( Jack) father gave a car to him yesterday.3. My father wants us _ (go) to Beijing with him.4. We _ (do) role play just now. 5. My teacher taught me _ (read) these words.18 . Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线词数不限):1. We shouldnt _ (run) in the classroom. Its _ (danger). 2. There _ (be) a bigfirenear our school now. Firemen _ (drop) water on thefire. 3. The policeman jumps into the river _ (brave) to _ (save) the little boy. 4. Ben and Eddie are talking on _ (they) way to school. 5. - Where _ (do) thefirecome from? - It _ (come) from a cigarette end. 6. My classmates and I _ (have) an outing every spring. We_ (have) a good time. 7. We should _ (plant) more trees to _ (make) air clean. 8. Eddie, _ (not leave) rubbish on the ground.四、任务型阅读19 . Reading comprehension(阅读理解) : Many years ago, people use a stick, a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire. Today, wood, gas( 煤气) and electricity( 电) can all make a fire. I think wood is the most dangerous. And I like gas most because its easy. People use fire in many ways .At home, people use fire to cook food and boil water. In factories, workers use fire to melt( 熔化) metals( 金属) to makes things of different shapes. Some workers use fire to make glass. Fire can help us to do many things, but sometimes fire is dangerous. Cigarettes and campfires can all start a fire in the countryside, in schools and at homes. We must be careful. We mustnt smoke in the countryside, and we mustnt cook without an adult ( 成年人) . We mustnt play with matches. We mustnt play around a fire. Part 1 Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示) : 1. Many years ago, people use gas and wood to make a fire.(_)2. Gas is very easy. (_)3. People can cook and boil with fire. (_)4. Fire is very useful and its safe. (_)5. Cigarettes and campfires cant start a fire. (_)Part 2 Answer the questions(根据短文,回答问题,每线词数不限) :1. Can people use the dry leaves to make a fire? _2. What do people do with fire at home?_3. Do workers make glass with fire? _4. Is fire dangerous? _5. Can children cook without an adult? _6. Can we play with fire? _7. Must we be careful with fire? _8. Can campfires start a fire in the countryside?_五、句型转换20 . 同义句改写例:I bought a hat for my sister.I bought my sister a hat.1. I bought my dad a book ._2. Please buy me a hen._3. Please buy a bicycle for me._4. I bought a Cola for you._ 六、选内容补全对话21 . 补全对话.读一读,填上适当的句子完成对话。A. Dont make fires.B. The wind blows strongly.C. We are sorry.D. Some children are flying kites.E. Some children are making a fire.F. Look at the sign.A. Dont make fires.B. The wind blows strongly.C. We are sorry.D. Some children are flying kites.E. Some children are making a fire.F. Look at the sign.Peter and Jack are taking a walk in the forest.Peter: Today is a fine day.Jack: Yes, and it is very dry. _ It is easy to start a fire in the forest.Peter: Look. _ Maybe they want to have a barbecue.Jack: _Children: Why not?Peter: _ It means: No fires. It is dangerous.Children: _Jack: Then you can fly the kites. Have a good time.Children: Thank you.七、书面表达22 . 根据题目写话,不少于60个词Fire safety_第 7 页 共 7 页

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