贵州省2019年英语三年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷(II)卷

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贵州省2019年英语三年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷(II)卷_第1页
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贵州省2019年英语三年级上册Module 2 单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . _ about the research. ( )AThinkBCollectCMake2 . What are you doing? ( )_.AWere making a kite.BYes, I do.选出下列单词的正确汉语意思。3 . cloudsA云朵B星星C月亮4 . pondA水池B小河C大海5 . soonA不久B之后C很久6 . runA步行B跑C跳7 . hungryA饥饿的B渴的C累8 . 从II栏中选出I栏中句子的答案。I II( )(1) Whos that boy?( )(5) What are these?AHes Mike.BNice to meet you, too.( )(2) Nice to meet you.CThey are apples.( )(3) Were late for the party.DShes a waitress.( )(4) Whats her job ?EYes. Lets hurry.9 . 选择合适的回答,将其序号填在题前的括号内( )(1) What time do you have supper?( )(5) Are you a new student ?AHes in the study.BId like some pears.( )(2) Wheres your father?CYes, I am.( )(3) Wheres your pencil?DIts in my desk.( )(4) Can I help you ?EAt six thirty.10 . ImTV. ( )AseeBwatchCwatching二、情景交际11 . 当你想问别人下午好的时候,应该说:( )AGood morning.BGood afternoon.CHello.12 . 当你想为对方提供帮助时,应说:( )ADontworry.BCan I help you?13 . 你想让同学看你的嘴,应该这样说:( )ALook at me!BLook at my mouth.14 . 你看到一个婴儿在睡觉,你可以说:_ ( )ALook! The baby is sleeping.BListen! The baby is crying.15 . 运动会上,你为同学加油时,你会说:_( )ACome and help, Doctor!BHelp!CCome on!三、填空题写出与划线部分同类的单词,完成句子。16 . Therere many festivals in China. The Double Ninth Festival usually comes in October. The Spring Festival comes in _ or _ .17 . Many children have their dream jobs. Peter wants to be a traveller and travel around the world. Linda wants to be a _ and fly an aeroplane, Sam and Mary want to be a _ and help sick people.18 . There are many kinds of transportation in Shanghai. We can take a car, a _ or the _ .四、任务型阅读读一读,写一写。Rose has two pets, a rabbit and a duck. The rabbits name is Snow. She is white. She is active. She has two long ears. She can run fast. The duck is Ducky. He is yellow. He has two big feet. He is quiet. Rose loves her pets very much.19 . Snow has _.20 . Snow is _.21 . Snow is _.22 . Ducky has _.23 . Ducky is _.24 . Ducky is _.五、改错改错。选出有错误的一项,把正确的写在后面的横线上。25 . Itsancake._A B C26 . Would you like an ice cream?No, please._A B C27 . Would you like a egg?No, thank you._A B C28 . Whatarethis?_A B C29 . Nicetoo meet you, Mike._A B C六、连线题30 . 看图连线。take busride a bike walk第 5 页 共 5 页

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