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西安市2019年四年级上册期末考试英语试卷(二)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 在星期六( )Aon FridayBon SaturdayCon Sunday2 . Where are the students? ( )_in the playground.ATheresBThese areCTheyre3 . _ the fruit shop. ( )AAtBOn4 . -_the cap? ( )-Its on the bed.AWhatsBWhosCWheres5 . _ are stamps _ Canada. ( )AThese; toBThis; toCThese; fromDThis; from6 . Can you help _? ( )AIBmyCme给下列单词选择正确的翻译。7 . bowl ( )A盘子B碗8 . cook ( )A医生B厨师9 . phone ( )A电话B冰箱10 . knife ( )A刀B勺11 . farmer ( )A护士B农民二、阅读选择阅读材料Bob is a clever boy, but he is a little lazy. One day his math teacher assigns a lot of math homework for him. He is doing his math homework at home. There are so many numbers that makes him feel very boring. Then he has a good idea.He goes to a shop in a hurry with his notebook. “Can I help you?” the shop assistant asks him.“Yes, Id like two kilos of carrots, three kilos of potatoes and three kilos of onions.” Bob says.“Its eight kilos. Do you need a shopping bag?” the shop assistant says.Bob writes the answer on his notebook, and says “No, thanks. And I would like four kilos of apples, one kilo of bananas and two kilos of pears, too.”“Its seven kilos. But Im afraid its too heavy for you to carry”, the shop assistant says in surprises. “ You dont have a shopping bag, how you take them home.”Bob writes the answers on his notebook quickly and says “Im sorry, I dont want to buy them now.” Then he runs home.能力测试根据短文内容,回答问题。12 . Bob is a _boy. ( )AcuteBcleverCbad13 . Dose Bob have a lot of math homework ? _. ( )AYes, he has .BNo, he doesnt.CYes, he does.14 . Bob goes to the _ with his notebook. ( )AschoolBhomeCshop15 . Bob says he would like_ and _. ( )Atwo kilos of carrots, three kilos of onionsBtwo kilos of apples, three kilos of pearsCone kilo of pears , three kilos of apples.16 . Bob buys_ in the shop. ( )Asome fruitsBnothingCvegetables三、填空题17 . 选词填空made, of, man, Shenzhou, spaceDaming and Simon (1) _ a model of a Chinese spaceship. The name (2) _ the spaceship is (3) _. First, it took a monkey, a dog and a rabbit into (4) _. Then, in 2003, it took a (5) _ into space.四、判断题18 . note coke _五、选内容补全对话Read and choose. (选词填空。)goes to school washes her face gets uphas an English class does her homeworkKim 19 . at 6:30. Then she 20 . and has breakfast. At 7:30, she 21 . . She 22 . every school day. She likes English very much. After school, she goes home. Then she 23 . . She works hard.六、匹配题为下面的句子或对话选择合适的图片。A.B. C. D. 24 . Whattimeisit? (_)Itssixtwenty. Itstimeto getup.25 . Whattimeisit? (_)Itsseventhirty. Itstimeto gotoschool.26 . Breakfastisready. Letseat breakfast. (_)27 . Itseightoclock. LetshaveanEnglishclass. (_)第 5 页 共 5 页

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