高考英语一轮复习课时作业(三十七)选修7Module 1《Basketball》(外研版)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!课时作业(三十七)选修7Module 1Basketball(限时:35分钟).单项填空1. In_history of the cinema, Charlie Chaplin is_success as a comedian. A. the; / B. /; a C. /;/ D. the; a 2.To _ it simply, if you dont apologize to him, you will lose this friend. Aput BmakeCspeak Dtalk3In China, a schools success is usually _ in terms of the number of students who get into university.A. covered B. decided C. reviewed D. measured4The flooded areas are in_need of help now. We must do something. A. rapid B. instant C. abrupt D. considerate 5Those who have_floods and sandstorms know the importance of environmental protection. Agone over Bgone throughCgot through Dgot over6Im surprised to see you smoking. You _, I remember. Aare not used to Bwere not used to Cdidnt use to Dused not7What do you think made Celia so happy? _ a prize in the recent competition. AAs she won BWonCWinning DBecause of winning8Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?_ASorry,he is busy at the moment. BWhy didnt you call earlier?CCertainly. May I know your name?DSorry,he doesnt want to see you.9More and more people choose to shop in the supermarket, for they are especially interested in the _ of goods on offer.Aprice Bvariety Cvalue Damount10. _on ten years of observation and study, Professor Wang announced that everyone dreams every night, whether they realize it or not. ABasing BBased CBeen based DHaving based11Is Peter there?_,please. Ill see if I can find him for you. AHold up BHold onCHold out DHold off12I hear Johnson was badly injured in the accident. _,lets go and see him. AIf so BWhenever possibleCIf any DWhats more13Some researchers believe that there is no doubt_a cure for AIDS will be found.Awhich BthatCwhat Dwhether14. The article was intended to_ the publics attention to environmental protection. A. pay B. draw C. devote D. fix15. In ancient China women were not allowed to_school, of whom Zhu Yingtai was an example. Ajoin B. participate Cattend C. obtain.完形填空One of the warmest Christmas memories that I have was the year that I was Santa Claus. I was a young substitute(替代者) for a _16_ with a new family just starting out in life. I was _17_ to work at the local grade school on the last day _18_ the Christmas holidays. I can still _19_ going from classroom to classroom and doing my best to _20_ both old and joyful at the same time. I was about 50 pounds heavier then, _21_ I had the round little belly part down fine. My beard, however, was another _22_ as it kept sliding halfway down my face. I thought that more than a few of the kids _23_ me, but it didnt matter. They still enjoyed _24_ Santa. They still laughed and delighted in their _25_ gifts and candy canes. They still felt joyous and happy. They still knew that they were _26_ and that was all that mattered to them. If there is one _27_ that I could give to each of you at Christmas time and _28_ day of the year, it would be that knowledge that you are loved. You are loved and _29_ by a greater love than you could ever imagine. You are loved by God who _30_ you. In all the difficulties, problems, and heartaches this world _31_, you are loved. In all the obstacles you must overcome, challenges you must _32_, and pains you must go through, you are loved. In all the mistakes you make, times you stumble (绊倒), and _33_ paths you take, you are loved. You are loved every second in your life with a glorious love that will _34_ end. Know that you are loved. Know that God loves you always. Rejoice (欣喜) in this love with the _35_ heart of a child. And then, like a jolly (欢乐的) laughing Santa, go out and share it with the world. 16A.worker BfarmerCstudent Dteacher17A.called in Bcalled onCcalled off Dcalled at18A.after BbeforeCduring Dover19A.regret BstopCremember Dconsider20A.taste BsoundCsmell Dfeel21A.but BandCso Dstill22A.matter BpoundCgift Dknowledge23A.recognized BwelcomedCvisited Dmemorized24A.buying BsellingCwriting Dseeing25A.big BsmallCold Dugly26A.hated BthrownCloved Dforgotten27A.thing BmanCwoman Dschool28A.another BeveryCone Deither29A.looked out Blooked forCwatched over Dwatched out30A.kept BmadeCliked Dremoved31A.takes BfetchesCcarries Dbrings32A.face BhandCbreak Dplease33A.right BwrongCreal Dbusy34A.seldom BoftenCnever Dalmost35A.joyous BangryCjealous Dpitiful.阅读理解Some people believe that international sport creates goodwill between the nations and that if countries play games together they will learn to live together.Others say that the opposite is true that international contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred.There is probably some truth in both arguments, but in recent years the Olympic Games have done little to support the view that sports encourage international brotherhood.Not only was there the tragic incident involving the murder of athletes, but the Games were also destroyed by incidents caused mainly by minor national competition.One country received its secondplace medals with visible anger after the hockey final.There had been noisy scenes at the end of the hockey match, as the losers objected to the final decisions.They were convinced that one of their goals should not have been disallowed and that their opponents victory was unfair.Their manager was quite angry when he said: “This wasnt hockey.Hockey_and_the_International_Hockey_Federation_are_finished” The president of the Federation said later that such behavior could result in the disorder of the team for at least three years.The American basketball team announced that they would not give up first place to Russia, after a disputable end to their contest.The game had ended in disturbance.It was thought at first that the United States had won, by a single point, but it was announced that there were three seconds still to play.A Russian player then threw the ball from one end of the court to the other, and another player popped it into the basket.It was the first time the US.A. had ever lost an Olympic basketball match.Experts discussed the matter for four and a half hours before announcing that the result would stand.The American players then voted not to receive the silver medals.Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the love of the game.The suggestion that athletes should compete as individuals, or in nonnational terms, might be too much to hope for.But in the present organization of the Olympics there is far too much that encourages aggressive patriotism.36According to the author, recent Olympic Games have _Acreated goodwill between the nationsBcaused only false national prideChardly showed any international friendshipDled to more and more misunderstanding and hatred37What did the manager mean by saying, “Hockey and the International Hockey Federation are finished.”?AHis team would no longer take part in international games.BHockey and the Federation are ruined by the unfair decisions.CThere should be no more hockey matches organized by the Federation.DThe Federation should not exist.38The basketball example implied that _Atoo much patriotism was shown in the incidentBthe announcement to make the match long was wrongCthe appeal jury was too hesitant in making the decisionDthe American team was right in receiving the silver medals39What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?AThe organization of the Olympic Games must be improved.BAthletes should compete as individuals in the Olympic Games.CSport should be played competitively rather than for the love of the game.DInternational contests are liable for misunderstanding between nations.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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