海口市2020年英语四年级上册Unit 4 My Home 单元测试卷A(II)卷

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海口市2020年英语四年级上册Unit 4 My Home 单元测试卷A(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The gloves _pretty. Can I try_on? ( )Ais; themBare; themCare; it2 . Which _ do you like best? ( )Summer.AseasonBfruitCsport3 . _ he do any kung fu? ( )ACanBDoCIs4 . Amy ate a sandwich_school. ( )AatBinCon5 . Whats your name? ( )_ABye-bye!BHello!CI am Bill.6 . Look at my new car. ( )_AGood guess!BWow! Its so beautiful.CI want to have one.二、情景交际7 . 当你想知道对方是否想吃米饭时,你可以说:_( )ADo you want some rice?BHave you got some rice?8 . 当你想知道对方正在干什么,问:AWhats he doing?BWhat are you doing?CWhat do you do?9 . 你想表达沙发在客厅里,你会说:( )AThe sofa is in the bedroom.BThe chair is in the living room.CThe sofa is in the living room.10 . 你看到小明的书包鼓鼓的,很好奇,想知道它里面有什么东西,你这样问小明:( )AWhats in your bag?BWhats on your bag?11 . 周围的东西很危险不能碰,你要告诉大家: ( )ADont touch anything.BTouch something dangerous.三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。:What can you see in my room?:I can see two doors,a picture,a blue desk,a yellow chair and a small bed. Well,its a nice room.12 . There are three doors in her room. (_)13 . The bed is big. (_)14 . The desk is blue. (_)四、选内容补全对话选用括号里的词,完成短文。Long long ago, there 15 . (was; were) a king. He 16 . (likes; liked) new clothes. One day, two men 17 . (wanted; wants) 18 . (to make; make) new clothes for the king. The king was very happy. The two men 19 . (looked; showed) the king his new clothes, and 20 . (said; says) to him, “Clever people 21 . (can; cant) see them.” Though the king 22 . (could; couldnt) see them, he still 23 . (walks; walked) through the street 24 . (in; wears) his new clothes. Finally, a little boy told the truth(真相).五、匹配题读句子,找出正确答语。A. Its a robot.B. Good morning.C. Yes, Mum.D. Nice to meet you, Tim.E. OK.F. Its white.G. Thank you, Mr. Brown.H. Yes, Miss Li.I. Its nice.J. Im sorry.25 . Please sit down. (_)26 . Look at my jacket. (_)27 . Look at the blackboard. (_)28 . Good morning, class. (_)29 . Whats this? (_)30 . This is my brother, Tim. (_)31 . Close the window, my dear. (_)32 . Dont sit on my ball. (_)33 . What color is the rubber? (_)34 . Listen to me, please. (_)六、连词成句连词成句。35 . lights, the, turn, traffic, right, at (.)_36 . see, left, bookshop, can, on, you, your, the (.)_37 . metro, home, take, can, my, you, the, to (.)_38 . shop, zoo, to, the, the, next, is (.) _七、连线题39 . 看图连线。juice dumplingssoup第 5 页 共 5 页

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