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河南省2020版五年级下册期中测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . -Mum, _ is my boat? ( )-It is in your toy box.AwhoBwhere2 . Im not in Class 2. Hes not in Class 2. ( )AorBtooCeither3 . He likes books.( )Atoo; readBalso; readCalso; reading4 . What _ you do yesterday?( )AdoBdoesCdid5 . My father _ ill yesterday. ( )AisntBarentCwasnt6 . They _ in a factory before. ( )AworksBworkedCwork7 . The cats _ fish. ( )AlikeBlikesCloves8 . Dad is _ an email. ( )AwriteBwriteingCwritingDwrites9 . Where _you _ ten years ago? ( )Adid; liveBdid; livedCdo; live10 . _ canI do for you? ( )AHowBWhatCWhereDWho二、情景交际11 . 小猪正在做作业,狐狸想向小猪打招呼,它应该说:( )AHello, pig!BHello, Fox!CHello, Im a pig.12 . 当别人问你的名字时,你应该回答:( )AMy name is Zhang Peng.BIm a student.13 . 当你想知道几点了, 用英语怎么说: ( )AWhat is it?BWhat time is it?14 . 你正在写作业,对方问你是不是正在写信,你回答: _( )AYes, I am.BNo, Im not.CNo, we re not.15 . 当你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:( )ALets go hiking this weekend.BLets go ice-skating this weekend.COK. Lets go.三、填空题16 . 动词(三步曲,固定时态-人称)1.Bobby is happy_(have) a new bike.2.Where is Tom? He _(water) flowers in the garden.3.Let _(he)_(show) the bike to you.4.We are all good at_(learn) English .5._they often_(fly) kites in the park ?四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。Its Sunday morning. Everyone in Mr Whites family is very busy. Mr White is washing his car in the garden. Mrs White is cooking in the kitchen. Their children May and Ken are cleaning the house. Their dog Brownie is busy, too. What is it doing? Its sleeping.17 . Its Sunday afternoon.(_)18 . Mrs White is in the park.(_)19 . Brownie is Mays baby brother. (_)五、判断题20 . 判断下列划线部分的发音是相同(T)还是不同(F)(_)1.desk tusk mask(_)2.glasssister(_)3.tellevening六、匹配题21 . Read,choose and write.读一读,选词填空。AswimmingBbirdCplaneDnoodlesErun fast1.Can you _? 2.He is _.3. What can you see? I can see a _.4.What are you doing? Were making a _?5.Do you want some _? 七、书面表达22 . 写作训练。根据表格内容,写一段话介绍Mr Black的一家,可适当发挥想象。Mr BlackMrs BlackSam36 years old34 years old10 years olda bus drivera teachera studentlikes swimminglikes cookinglikes reading.The Blacks are my neighbours. _第 5 页 共 5 页

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