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济南市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I am,because I. ( )Aexcited.failed my Chinese testBexcited.got a new stampCtired.bought a new skirt2 . There an orange and some flowers on the table.AamBisCare3 . There are _ days in a year. ( )Athree hundred sixty and fiveBthree hundred and sixty-fiveCthree hundreds and sixty-fiveDthree hundred sixty-five4 . _ sing! ( )AletsBLet isCLet us5 . What colour _your keys?( )AisBbeCare6 . Im 48 kilograms.Are you 50 kilograms?Yes,Im _than you.AthinnerBshorterCheavier选出每组单词中画线部分读音与其余不同的一项。7 . AreadBmeatCheat8 . AoldBMondayCrobot9 . AmathsBSaturdayCbaby10 . ASundayBfunnyCblue11 . AFridayBstrictCfinish12 . AriceBrideCSit13 . 你好( )AbyeBhello14 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AlittleBkiteCmiddle15 . 找出下列各组单词标线部分发音与单词相同的一项。(_)1. say A. wayB. happyC. boy(_)2. play A. fortyB. MayC. says(_)3. today A. SundayB. SaturdayC. player (_)4. Monday A. FridayB. playgroundC. away(_)5. birthday A. ThursdayB. dayC. Tuesday16 . There _ a pair of shoes under the bed. Where _ my shoes? ( )Ais, areBis, isCare, areDare, is17 . Can you fly? _.AIm afraid I cantBNo, I canCYes, I cant18 . What _Mike doing?AisBare19 . Nancylikesdancing.Thetwinslikedancing,_.They_havethe samehobby. ( )Atoo;bothBtooallCto;bothDto;all20 . There _ some water in the glass. ( )AisBisntCare21 . up the picture. ( )ACleanBPutChis22 . 选出与图片相符的句子( )ALook at the nose. It is long(长的).BLook at the mouth. It is small.23 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。1.( )A. noseB. oldC. oftenD. over2.( )A. flyB. yellowC. tryD. shy3.( )A. horseB. workerC. sportsD. morning4.( )A. cakeB. makeC. haveD. place5.( )A. soupB. mouthC. groupD. coup二、阅读选择读一读,选一选。Im Fangfang. There are five people in my family. On Sundays, my father and my grandpa usually go fishing. My grandma usually goes shopping. My mother usually tidies our rooms and cooks. I usually read books. But today we are not doing these things. We are in a park. We are having a picnic (野餐).24 . On Sundays, Fangfangs father usually _. ( )Agoes shoppingBgoes fishingCtidies the room25 . On Sundays, Fangfangs grandma usually _. ( )AcooksBgoes fishingCgoes shopping26 . Today, Fangfangs family are _. ( )AcookingBhaving a picnicCgoing shopping27 . Lucy and Kate are English girls. They are twins. They are studying Chinese in Beijing now. In their class, there are fifty-two students. There are twenty-eight boys and twenty-four girls. Where are the twins? Look, they are sitting near the door of the classroom. Lucy is wearing a red coat. Kate is wearing a yellow sweater. They are having a Chinese class.(1)The two girls are twins. They are in a school of China.( )(2)Lucy and Kate are in the same class.( )(3)Lucy is in a yellow sweater.( )(4)Now they are studying Chinese in the classroom.( )(5)There are twenty-eight girls in their class.( )三、完形填空28 . 完形填空(每空一词,其中有两个多余选项)The Spring Festival(春节) is the Chinese New Years Day. It usually comes 1_ Frbruary. Everyone in China 2_ the Spring Festival very much. When the Spring Festival 3_, Li Hong usually 4_ his parents clean their house and 5_ some shopping and other housework. On that 6_ everyone in China eats dumplings, New Years cakes and other good 7_. Li Hong likes New Years cakes. But Wang Hai says dumplings are 8_ than New Years cakes. The Chinese people 9_ the New Years cakes and dumplings in their house. How 10_ they are!( )1. A. after B. on C. in D. by( )2. A.has B. like C. remembers D. likes( )3. A.goes B.comes C. reaches D. hears( )4. A. helps B. makes C. gets D. takes( )5. A. buys B. does C. goes D. carries( )6. A. morning B. evening C. day D. afternoon( )7. A. food B. drinks C. vegetables D. fruit( )8. A. smaller B. better C. bigger D. sweeter( )9. A. find out B. buy C. eat D. sell( )10. A. happy B. delicious C. lovely D. great四、填空题29 . 根据图意,用can或cant填空。(1) I _ have some rice.(2) I _ have an ice cream.(3) I _ have some noodles.(4) I _have an eggs.(5) I _ have an oranges.五、排序题30 . 给下面的句子排序AHi Amy. This is Zhang Peng.BMike, we have a new classroom.CHello, Mike.DNice to meet you.EWow! Its so big.FNice to meet you, too.GReally? Lets go and see._31 . 将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(_) Why?(_) What do you usually do at the Spring Festival?(_) What festival do you like?(_) I like the Spring Festival.(_) Because we can get together with our family.(_) I usually have a big dinner with my family and wear new clothes.六、选内容补全对话选择适当的单词补全对话,将单词写在相应的横线上。straight way excuse welcome take or can turn outBen: 32 . me. 33 . you tell me the34 . to Yuexiu Park?Waiter: 35 . right 36 . of the hotel. Go 37 . ahead then 38 . the second left.Ben: Is the park on the left39 . on the right?Waiter: Its on the right.Ben: Thank you very much.Waiter: Youre40 . .七、连线题41 . 英汉连线。1. a clever pupil a.我的朋友2. a bit b.非常淘气3. my friend c.一个聪明的小学生4.answer the call d.有一点5.very naughtye.接电话6.very cool f.我的姨母7.my aunt g.非常酷42 . 将下列单词与汉语连线。Monkey大象Tiger狮子Cat猴子Elephant老虎Lion猫八、书面表达43 . Composition. 小作文。题目:My Diary要求:1. 观察图片,根据所给范文仿写一篇有关节日的日记。2. 提示词:Chinas National Day; the Spring Festival; Christmas3. 书写规范,语句通顺,没有语法错误,标点符号准确,不少于五句话。_第 8 页 共 8 页

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