河南省2020年英语六年级上册 Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls练习卷(II)卷

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河南省2020年英语六年级上册 Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls练习卷(II)卷_第1页
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河南省2020年英语六年级上册 Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls练习卷(II)卷_第2页
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河南省2020年英语六年级上册 Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls练习卷(II)卷_第3页
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河南省2020年英语六年级上册 Module 8 Unit 1 Do you often play with dolls练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Sam is playing _ his toy train. ( )AonBtoCwith选出不同类的单词。2 . AtakeBwentCswim3 . AplayBlovedCstopped4 . AstoriesBtakesCphotos5 . AitBheCyour6 . AthemBthisCthat7 . I often _ my English book in the morning. ( )AwatchBseeCread8 . 选出不同类的一项【小题1】AoftenBcanCusually【小题2】AreadBtidyCbook【小题3】AplayBtidyingCdoing【小题4】AyourBmyCwe【小题5】AbedBdeskCplay9 . Over many centuries, the colors on the picture all _ _.( )Afades awayBfaded awayCfaded up10 . Can you show _ your photos? ( )AIBmyCme11 . The bad man went _ sea in the ship. ( )AonBinCto12 . His hobbies are _.( )Areading storiesBread storiesCreads stories13 . 读单词,选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AreadBwriteCabout【小题2】AcollectBstoryCstudy【小题3】AfindBthinkCinformation【小题4】AplayBsingCreport【小题5】AfromBaboutCresearch14 . Im . I want . ( )Athirsty; drinkBthirsty; to eatCthirsty; to drink二、填空题15 . Do you often tell _ (story/stories)?用所给词的适当形式填空。learn can drink is work16 . Mr Black _ a driver last year.17 . I _ read English books then.18 . Lily _ some water and had some cakes.19 . Miss Zhang _ in a school now.20 . They are _ English.21 . Shes _(write)a letter now.22 . Lingling often _(go)to watch films at weekends.23 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. I taught LiMing _ (throw/ to throw) the basketball.2. Do you want _ (play/ to play) football?3. The Chinese team _ (win/ won) the game last week.4. Yao Ming is a basketball _(play/player).5. He is _(throw)the ball.24 . 语法填空1.They _(go)home by bus yesterday.2.I _ (come) back at four this afternoon.3.We need _ (buy) some sausages and ice-cream in the market.4.Jim _(like) reading on his computer.5.The animals _ (be) afraid of tigers. Look, they _ (run) away.用所给单词的适当形式填空。25 . Mike wants_(play) basketball first.26 . Here _(be)some juice for you.27 . Wang Bing_(not brush)his teeth last night.28 . Our classroom is on the_(one)floor.29 . _(be)your family going to watch a film this Sunday?.30 . Im_(look)for my new kite.31 . Can I have some_(mango) juice ? Sure, here you are.32 . He is asking Yang Ling how _ (get) there.33 . They are good_(drive) . They are good at _(drive) .34 . There _(be) any cakes here now.35 . Fill in the blanks. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Come and help _(I).2. Look, Peter _(make)an aeroplane.36 . We want _(swim) in the sea.三、阅读回答问题阅读对话,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Hi, Im Tim. Im from Dongfang School. Today is Tuesday. We have maths, Chinese and computer class on Tuesdays. I like computer class. My computer teacher is very funny. He is very strong. I like him. We have salad and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. Potatoes are my favourite food. Saturday is my favourite day. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework on Saturdays, too. What about you?37 . Today is Thursday. (_)38 . My computer teacher is very funny. (_)39 . Tomatoes are my favourite food. (_)40 . My favourite day is Friday. (_)41 . I do my homework on Saturdays. (_)四、英译汉42 . 英译汉。1. not very often _2. watch films _3. play computer games _4. a long time ago _5. read stories_五、汉译英43 . 汉译英。1.玩玩具娃娃_2.图画书_3.当然_4.帮助你的妈妈_5.说英语_六、句型转换44 . 按要求改写句子1. does, father, feel, how, your(?)(连词成句)_2. going , be, a , policeman, Im, to (.) (连词成句)_3. Wu Yifans father is a teacher. (对画线部分提问) _4. She went to Beijing last year.(对画线部分提问) _5. There is some apple juice in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句)_45 . 句型转换1. It means you must wait on the pavement. (改为否定句)It _ you must wait on the pavement.2. I go to bed early. (改为同义句)I _ go to bed _.3. Shell get to the station by taxi. (对划线部分提问)_ she get to the station?4. Mr Black saw many parrots in the park yesterday afternoon. (对划线部分提问)_ did Mr Black _ many parrots in the park?5. I am going to the UK this summer holiday. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to the UK this summer holiday?46 . 根据要求完成下列各题。1I think so.(改为否定句)I _ so.2I can take pictures with the camera. (改为一般疑问句)_ take pictures with the camera?3Li Ming brought a gift. (对画线部分提问)_ a gift?4The lantern is from China. (对画线部分提问)_ the lantern from?5Lynn gives Li Ming a camera. (改为同义句)Lynn _ a camera _ Li Ming.47 . Lingling often plays with dolls.(对划线部分提问)_48 . I live at the No.2 Park Street. (对划线部分提问)_七、连词成句49 . brother This little my is(.)(连词成句)_50 . to, go, school, I, foot, usually, on_.51 . 连词成句。【小题1】have can I please bread some (?)_【小题2】cant you have fruit some sorry (.)_【小题3】nice they are very (.)_【小题4】dark, very, is it (.)_【小题5】want you some do noodles (?)_52 . 连词成句:they, a, great, are, birthday, having, party (.)_53 . Read and match.连词成句。1. his, what, hobbies, are (?)_2. live, he, does, Sydney, in (?)_3. reading, stories, likes, he (.)_4. also, I, like , and, doing kung fu, singing (.)_5. I, can, be, also, pen pal, his (.)_第 9 页 共 9 页

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