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河北省2019年四年级下册期中测试英语试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题判断下列单词划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同1 . horse sport(_)2 . brush put(_)3 . shout brown(_)4 . asked played(_)5 . -is it? ( ) -Its near the window.AWhereBWhatCWho6 . Whose pencil is this?_. ( )AIts KimsBIts KimCKim7 . There are some _ in our garden. ( )Aapples treeBapple treeCapple trees8 . Can you say the_ of the year?AmonthBa monthCmonthsDa month.9 . Shall we go to the cinema? Lets _.( )Asee a filmBsee a playCenjoy the music10 . Which festival is in June? ( )_.AThe Spring FestivalBFathers DayCThe Double Ninth Festival11 . You can find _ in the UK. ( )Yes. Its very beautiful.ASummer PalaceBBundCTower Bridge12 . _. Id like some chicken and bread. ( )AIm hungryBIm thirstyCIm twelve13 . Whats the weather like in Beijing? ( )It.Aquiet and kindBtall and thinClong and thinDcool and windy14 . _ my mother. ( )AsheBSheCShes15 . My best friend is Mary. _ is very quiet. ( )AHerBHersCShe二、阅读选择阅读理解。Winter(冬季) is very cold. Sometimes (有时)it snows in winter. We can play in the snow. We can make snowmen(雪人). We wear our coats and hats. My favourite season(季节) is winter, because(因为) my birthday is in December.16 . Winter is _. ( )AcoldBwarmCcool17 . Sometimes it _ in winter. ( )Ais windyBrainsCsnows18 . We can _ in winter. ( )Amake snowmenBswimCfly kites19 . We wear our_ in winter. ( )AshirtsBshortsCcoats and hats20 . My birthday is in _ in winter. ( )ADecemberBNovemberCJanuary三、填空题21 . How many lessons _your classmate_(have) on Monday?四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Hello, my name is Wang Hong. This is my classroom. It is big. There are fifty desks, fifty-two chairs and two blackboards in my classroom. Wang Ping is in front of me. Li Hao is behind me. Ding Ling is beside me. Look! My teacher is reading a book. Where is Zhang Ming? He is on the playground. He is playing a game.22 . Wang Hongs classroom is small.(_)23 . There are fifty desks and forty-two chairs in Wang Hongs classroom.(_)24 . Wang Hong is between Wang Ping and Li Hao.(_)25 . Wang Hongs teacher is reading a book.(_)26 . Zhang Ming is in the library.(_)五、匹配题找出相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。A.Goodbye,Mike.B.Good afternoon, Miss Li.C.No, Im not.D.Hi , Tim.E.Hello, Im Liu Tao.27 . Are you Mike? (_)28 . Hello.Im Su Hai.(_)29 . Good afternoon, Class.(_)30 . This is my brother, Tim.(_)31 . Goodbye, Yang Ling.(_)第 4 页 共 4 页

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