沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 4 My class Unit 7 How many stars does each group have_ 练习卷(II)卷

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沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 4 My class Unit 7 How many stars does each group have_ 练习卷(II)卷_第1页
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沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 4 My class Unit 7 How many stars does each group have_ 练习卷(II)卷_第2页
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沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 4 My class Unit 7 How many stars does each group have_ 练习卷(II)卷_第3页
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沈阳市2019-2020年度英语四年级上册Module 4 My class Unit 7 How many stars does each group have_ 练习卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 看图,选出正确的单词。(_) 1. A. autumn B. summer(_) 2. A. windy B. cloudy(_) 3. A. bike B. kite(_) 4. A. rainy B. snowy(_) 5. A. juice B. ice-cream2 . Whos the boy? ( )_AShe is my friend, Mike.BShe is my mum.CHe is my friend, Mike.3 . 选出不同类的一项: ( )AhighBfastCfourteen4 . Let _ go. ( )AisBusCwe5 . Shes my grandma. ( )A他是我的祖母。B她是我的祖母。6 . Sams ladybirds _ the bad ladybirds and the pests_.ApickupBwalkalongCdriveaway7 . Mao Tian has stars. ( )Asixteen sixBsixty sixCsixty-sixDsixteen- six8 . Group 2 _ my group. ( )AisBamCare9 . Let _ see. ( )AmyBICme10 . 选出画线部分发音与众不同的一项。(_) 1. A. China B. map C. another(_) 2. A. never B. weather C. her(_) 3. A. begin B. let C. help(_) 4. A. son B. hello C. nose(_) 5. A. use B. sunny C. Sunday11 . Here _ a lot of meat for the party. ( )AnoBisCare12 . Where_ the spoon?AwasBamCisDare二、任务型阅读读短文,判断文后的句子是否正确。如正确,写“T”,否则写“F”。I am Lily. Im nine. There are 24 children in my class. Our classroom is big. There are four big tables for the children, and there are 24 chairs for them. There is also a desk and a chair for our teacher, Ms Rock. Next to Ms Rocks desk, there is a desk for the computer. There are twenty pictures on the classroom walls. These pictures are beautiful.13 . There are 24 pupils in Lilys class. (_)14 . There is a desk and four big tables in Lilys classroom. (_)15 . There are 25 chairs in Lilys classroom. (_)16 . There is a computer in Lilys classroom. (_)17 . There are some pictures on the classroom walls.(_)三、匹配题18 . 对话搭配(_) 1. Where is he from?AYes, we did.(_) 2. Does he often do high jump?BThats Peter.(_) 3. Whos that boy?CHe is from Australia.(_) 4. Does he often play basketball?DNo, he doesnt.(_) 5. Did you watch the Games on TV?EYes. Sometimes he plays basketball.19 . 看图,读对话,填序号。AWe like basketball. Lets play!B- Do you like football? - Yes, I do. Lets play.C- Do you like basketball?- No, I dont. I like baseball.D- Do you like tennis? - No, I dont. I like soccer.1. 2.(_)(_)3. 4.(_)(_)第 4 页 共 4 页

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