杭州市2020年英语四年级上册 Unit 3 How many_单元测试卷(II)卷

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杭州市2020年英语四年级上册 Unit 3 How many_单元测试卷(II)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . People usually _ at Double Ninth Festival. ( )Aeat rice cakesBgo outCsing and dance2 . - Is it under the bed? ( )- _AYes, it isnt.BNo, it isnt.3 . My fathers birthday is _ April.AinBonCof4 . Thats _ ball pen.AhisBheChes5 . I can do _ kung fu. Can you do _ kung fu? ( )Asome; someBsome; anyCany; any6 . Do you have _stickers? ( )AsomeBanyCmany7 . _ classrooms in your school? ( )Forty.AHow manyBWhatCWhere8 . 找出每组单词中不同类的选项。( )AforkBknifeCchopsticksDuse9 . -Look at my balls. ( )-_AIts nice.BThey are nice.CIts not nice.二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Good morning! Heres the weather forecast report (报道) for some big cities in the world. Tomorrow is Monday. It will be cloudy in Beijing. It will be very cold, so wear warm clothes when you go out. In Hong Kong there will be beautiful sunshine(阳光灿烂). People will feel cool in the daytime. It will be sunny in New York, but there will be a strong wind in the afternoon. It will be rainy in Sydney but very hot. The day after tomorrow(后天) will be sunny. Thats the weather report for today. Thank you for listening.10 . What day is it today? ( )AToday is Monday.BToday is Sunday.CToday is Friday.11 . Whats the weather like in Beijing? ( )ASunny and cold.BCloudy and cold.CCloudy and cool.12 . How do people feel in Hong Kong? ( )AHot.BCold.CCool.13 . It will be _ in New York. ( )AclearBcloudyCrainy14 . Whats the weather in Sydney? ( )ARainy and hot.BRainy and cold.CSunny and hot.三、英汉混合英汉互译15 . 我们的学校课程_16 . 喜欢数学(课)_17 . 语文(课)和科学(课)_18 . 去操场_19 . 欢迎回到学校。_20 . time for PE _21 . what about _22 . his new timetable _23 . Its fun. _24 . Nice to see you. _四、判断题画线部分发音相同(T),不同(F)25 . watertigerdoctor_26 . undermusiccomputer _27 . milklibrarylike _28 . wayplaytoday_29 . breadteacher read _五、句型转换30 . 句型转换。1. We saw pandas. (对划线部分提问)_ you see?2. We saw monkeys. (对划线部分提问)_ did you see?3. We gave bananas to Monkeys. (改为一般疑问句)_ you _ to the monkeys?4. We were hungry. (改为一般疑问句)_ hungry?5. Was the elephant lovely? (转换成陈述句)The _ very lovely.六、填内容补全对话根据所给语境,补全对话。1. A: Do you 31 . any stickers?B: Yes, I 32 . .A: 33 . 34 . stickers do you have?B: I 35 . fourteen stickers. 36 . about you?A: I have ten stickers.2. A:I have a toy car. Do you have any toy cars?B: 37 . , I dont.A: 38 . do you have?B: I have 39 . robots.A: 40 . 41 . robots do you have?B: I have five robots.七、匹配题42 . 给下列行为选择合适的提示语。( ) 1. We are waiting for a bus at the stop. ( ) 2. She is talking aloud in the hospital. ( ) 3. The students are going up and down the stairs (楼梯). ( ) 4. They are doing their homework in the classroom. ( ) 5. The boy is colouring at his desk.第 5 页 共 5 页

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